
Christmas road trip

On Christmas Day, we took a little road trip to Wanganui. First stop was Virginia Lake Park with a visit to their winter garden (note Snoopy and the Red Baron--makes me want to break into song!)

Then on to the lake to feed the ducks. The black bird with the funky feet is an Australian coot. And then to the bird houses.

Hubby found a great place along the Whanganui River for our picnic. The silver orb is artwork with the river plotted around it.

It's still weird to have Christmas in the summer, but I'm getting used to it!

**About the spelling--the town lost the 'h' somewhere along the way but the river never did. At the moment, there is a push to put it back into the town spelling, but it hasn't happened as of this writing.



In researching these little blue jellyfish, I have found that they are washing up in great numbers on shores around the world. From what I can find, the first picture shows a line of velella velella, a type of cnidaria jellyfish, that litter the shore.

The next two shots are Portuguese man-o-war's. Scary looking things. In the first shot, that's a size 14 boot next to it for comparison.

Please feel free to correct me on the names.



rural awareness for breast cancer

We've been seeing pink silage rolls in the farms around the countryside.  

They are trying to get the message out that mammograms are free for NZ women 45-69 and  to encourage all women to take advantage of this test. 

Each pink roll is a donation to breast cancer research. Even though these pink purchases and donations were made in October, they are only now being seen because now is the time for silage.

This farmer has a great sense of humor humour! 'Get the girls out' was the catch-phrase of the tv ads.


WATW and roses on the fence

This is my world this week. What does yours look like? Post a photo of your part of the world and link up below. Then go for a personal voyage around the world by visiting other bloggers!
 Thank you for sharing your world this year. We will be back in January.


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roadside church

taken in the South Island of NZ


furry visitors

These hares were introduced to New Zealand for food and sport.

As cute as these little critters are, they are nothing but a nuisance.  Of course, I have to give our cat, Grace, some credit for trying to keep the population down--she brings in many little ones in the spring; one night she brought in four!!

Camera Critters

Saturday Critters


blooms around the house

The first two photos are of the old-fashioned rose bushes that, I assume, were planted when the owner first lived here before building the homestead down the drive. I have to say that I am intrigued by them, with their rose hips and tiny blossoms.


raindrops on rose bud

Summer color and WATW

This is my world this week in the southern hemisphere. What does yours look like? Post a photo and link up below and then go for a personal voyage around the world by visiting other bloggers!

The link opens around 11AM, New Zealand time. 

Although I host the meme along with others around the world, it doesn't go live until the creator of the link opens it.

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shadowy cliffside

As beautiful as this cliffside is so see, it is easily washed away by the tide. Actually, most of the seaside places we visit in Taranaki have warning signs that the cliffs are prone to crumble. When I took this photo, I was wondering how long it would be before that house would have to be moved.


colorful rosebuds caught at the window

Last year, there were very few roses on the bush outside the window--and that was just one or two little blooms at a time. So when I noticed several buds and a huge blossom I had to go out to investigate. I found quite a few buds colored with pink tint and was so excited about them!

Over the next few days, the roses just burst open.


Mt Taranaki

Many day of the year, Mt Taranaki is covered with clouds. Sometimes, they are obstructing the view, sometimes they enhance it. I enjoy our road trips around the mountain where I get to see it from all sides.


WATW and Tongaporutu scenery

This is my world this week in the southern hemisphere. What does yours look like? Post a photo and link up below and then go for  a personal voyage around the world by visiting other bloggers.

The link opens around 11AM, New Zealand time. 

Although I host the meme along with others around the world, it doesn't go live until the creator of the link opens it. 

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tongaporutu river at low tide

Hubby took this shot of one of the 'sisters'.

I have no idea what these protrusions are. They seemed to have a 'shell' of some sort but that's all I can tell you.  These concretions are found lots of places in NZ.

This shot from inside one of the caves made Hubby's shot look quite tropical.

There are lots of caves along the river in lots of different sizes.

I just love the patterns made in the black sand by water ripples.

These rock layers just amaze me.


anniversary walk

Today marks our 7th anniversary for Hubby and me.  We checked the tides and decided to have an adventure--we went out to see the Three Sisters, even though there are only two standing. I love walking along the ocean and seeing what nature has created.


Waitangi shipwreck, Mana Bay, Patea

This is the wreck of the S. S. Waitangi that sank at the Patea breakwater in 1923. It was covered with black sand for decades, peeking from its resting place on occasion, but being covered again. The winds uncovered it over the last few years and it had been visible since.    Click here for more information.