
Paritutu and reflection

Paritutu Rock is reflected on the water. The name is Maori and means tall cliff. Along with the Sugarloaf Islands, they are the remains of a volcano that is now underwater. Click here for some history of the rock.


beneath the fallen flowers

Between rain showers, I picked up some dahlias that had fallen over. Realizing that they were broken off, I threw them into the cow pasture paddock and discovered my own little fungi colonies.

mixed up camellias and WATW

These camellias are among the many in the area that are blooming out of season. We usually see them later in the winter instead of in the fall. But I certainly enjoy them any time of the year.

That's my world this week. We'd love to see what you are photographing in your corner of the world, too, so post a blog and then link up with us!


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fairy town

I photographed these magical little toadstools at Hollard Garden with the other autumn colors in my last post. Every time I see a them, I feel the urge to write a children's story about a tiny, little world. Alas, I am not disciplined enough to do it; so I settle for taking some macro shots.

Before you start nit-picking about my choice of words, there is no difference between mushrooms and toadstool, although the term 'toadstools' has gradually become applied to toxic types. http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/Mushroom-and-Toadstool-Toxicology.htm and http://knowledgenuts.com/2014/01/05/difference-between-toadstools-and-mushrooms/

Sunday Snap (last shot)


fall colors at Hollards Garden

There's a storm in the air so we took the short drive to Hollards Garden for a little exercise (and, of course, pictures) before it arrives.



monochrome mountain

Although I know it's not permanent, I am enjoying the warm weather and my lovely dahlias. Even the snow on the mountain is looking less wintery--for now.


foamy waters

I never get tired of seeing the waves leave a layer of foam on the beach. I think the rocks give the foam a distinct beauty.

As we walked around the coastline, Hubby pointed out this sign that had fallen down the bank. It says, 'Caution! These cliffs have crumbling edges. Please keep clear.'  I guess they were right.

WATW and seeds

As we enjoy a wave of Indian Summer, these dried flower heads remind me that every season ends eventually. Until then, I will enjoy the warmth!

This is what's going on in my world this week. We'd love it if you'd share yours with us. Post a photo and then come back and linkup.

I share the link-up for WATW, but do not control when it opens.


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around the mountain

Once or twice a year, when we can't think of anywhere specific to go, we drive around Mt Taranaki and meander down some beach roads. This weekend was one of those times, since the weather forgot it's suppose to be getting cooler as we head into autumn. 

Lots of people brought their dogs to play in the sand and water.

I take a photo of these trees every time we go down this road. I think it might be a reminder to keep growing, no matter what happens.

I believe this is toe-toe on the left and pampas on the right.

 Although the water was far from calm, there were many who braved the waves to swim or surf.

Mt Taranaki, in all his radiant glory.


fantail silhouette

A cloudy morning turned this shot into monochrome. Fantails are flitty little things and hard to capture.

I need a little gardening help

I have been gardening a lot these past few days and it's quite obvious that no one has done much in this garden in a long time. Even though it's hard work, I'm enjoying it immensely! 

I found these pods of some sort on top of the ground beneath the cherry trees. I have no idea what sort of seeds they contain. Can any of you great readers/gardeners help me identify them?

Thanks in advance.



This rural life gives Grace a workout and she takes many well-deserved naps.


WATW and the last of my garden color

Even with a cold snap last night, the dahlias are still hanging in there, but for how long??

That's my world this week. Show us yours in a blog post and then link up with other bloggers from around the world. Don't forget to visit other blogs and comment. Most of us will return the favor on your blog,

Although I share the link to WATW, I don't control when it opens.


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enjoying the sun

This little beauty was sunning herself after a night of cold temperatures. If anybody knows her name, I'd be glad for you to let me know.  Thanks, Colleen and Gunilla for reminding me she's a zinnia :)


tolaga bay wharf

The longest wharf in the country, Tolaga Bay Wharf. For a short history, click here.  If you have more time and want to know more, click here.

Hubby took this last picture when he walked out to the end of the wharf.


surfers' beach

This is Opunake Beach, just one of the surf beaches in Taranaki.


mixed modern architecture

I enjoy the many styles of architecture that I see as we travel around the  country. I recognize 'art deco', but labeling the rest are beyond me. I just love how they look

Hubby's kingfisher and Wednesday around the World

Hubby captured this gorgeous kingfisher out the window the other day. I'm quite impressed and a little jealous :)
This is my world this week. Let us know what's happening where you live by posting a photo and linking up below. Come on. You know you want to.

Although I share the link to WATW, I don't control when it opens.

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This statue of a young maiden sits atop a rock in the harbor at Whakatane and her name is Wairaka. Click here for her story.

If you have a great view to share, you can link up at these places:

Sunday in my City      Catching Light

The memes in which I participate can be found by clicking the 'photo memes' tag at the top of the page. I don't link to memes that have long lists or links in the comments.


st thomas angelican, meeanee

Hubby spotted this pretty church for me--as he does so well :)--in the little town of Meeanee, outside of Napier.


Taranaki beaches

I haven't been out taking photos lately, so I thought I'd dive into the archives and find some beaches to share.

And I saved the best for last, at least in my opinion, and for