
My Corner of the World

There are some famous rocks in the south island that attract tourists because of their shape, but this photo was taken in Taranaki at Tongaporutu.

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 
My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, 
and stays open for a week.
Click the blue 'add link' button below and fill in the three 
lines, then select your photo.
Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 
Any family-friendly blog photo will do.
A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button here.

Photographing New Zealand

If you have any questions you can email me at tenfootheart (at) gmail (.) com.


fantail silhouettes

I saw this lovely bird flitting around the trees and tried to capture him against the 
sunset sky.

  Join us at My Corner of the World


My Corner of the World

Hubby left some photos on the camera for me before he left for work this morning and I was tickled to see the foggy sunrise (I don't do mornings!). Thanks, Hubby!

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 
My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, 
and stays open for a week.
Click the blue 'add link' button below and fill in the three 
lines, then select your photo.
Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 
Any family-friendly blog photo will do.
A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button below.
If you have any questions you can email me 
at tenfootheart (at) gmail (.) com.


driving unfamiliar roads

I just love wandering around the backroads, as I'm sure you've noticed! I get to see interesting and different things. For example, I mostly see pine trees, so autumn colors and bare tree limbs are a novelty for me.

I got excited to see some wild goats on the hillsides and Hubby helped 
me photograph them all!
(As we drove, we saw so many that I stopped taking so many photos of them!)

At the bottom of the hill, I noticed this lone cow watching us taking photos. 
I think it thought it was hiding :)

More photos to come.

Our World Tuesday

 Join us at My Corner of the World


beauty in foggy scenes


  Join us each week at My Corner of the World



My Corner of the World

This guy wasn't going to let us interrupt his snack!

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 
My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, 
and stays open for a week.
Click the blue 'add link' button below and fill in the three 
lines, then select your photo.
Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 
Any family-friendly blog photo will do.
A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button below.
If you have any questions you can email me 
at tenfootheart (at) gmail (.) com.

Linking with: Photo Souvenir


from a bygone era

 Hubby is quite happy to stop, back up, or turn around for me to shoot something when we are out riding around; but today was the first time he honestly looked confused when I told I wanted to go back to take photos of old power poles :)

We had passed quite a few of them around the little town of Tahora--minus wires, covered in lichen and moss; so, I decided to get photos, maybe the last ones of them ever.

They were just placed here and there except those along the roadside--not at all, in the straight lines we see today--but I thought they had a lot of personality, each one a little different. Sepia seemed appropriate.

 Join us at My Corner of the World


My Corner of the World

Manawapou Beach

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 
My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, 
and stays open for a week.
Click the blue 'add link' button below and fill in the three 
lines, then select your photo.
Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 
Any family-friendly blog photo will do.
A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button below.
If you have any questions you can email me 
at tenfootheart (at) gmail (.) com.


critters from the weekend

Hubby took me for one of his awesome rides over the weekend! 
We followed one road pretty much from one end to the other--which sounds easy, but there were portions of the road that were never completed, so there were detours to be taken.

Along the way we found some critters in the winter weather. We scared these hawks when we crested a hill. 

So, of course, we circled back to see if I could get some pictures.  This one must have been very hungry because he let us get very close.

This friendly one trotted over when we stopped the car.

These are beef calves as they are too early for the controlled dairy calves.

In the same pen were these two, perhaps moms.


gone but not forgotten

   People ask me why I take so many photos and I tell them that you never 
know when the opportunity will be gone.

The photos below are examples of images that cannot be made any more.
None of the fragile structures still stand.

And, that is why I take so many photos!

  Join us at My Corner of the World