
color and monochrome


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Mikael Bergman said...

I like them both
may happen that I have it in mono as a favorite anyway

RobertN said...

Beautiful in both.

Dragonstar said...

Both lovely, but for me (no surprise!) the black and white has the edge.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Isn't it interesting how one's eye sees things very differently when in mono as opposed to colour? I too like both but for different reasons; overall though, I think this particular framing is best favoured in the colour version. For me at least! YAM xx

rupam sarma said...

Loved both pic.
Happy Weekend.

Aimz said...

What do you call them, i know them as toi tois

magiceye said...

Both are beautiful in their own right!

Uppal said...

Calm and soothing images!

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Great structures!!

riitta k said...

Both versions are splendis Betty!

Kaeferchen said...

Schon, das Foto macht auch in schwarz-weiß einen Menge her

lg und einen schönen Tag wünscht Gabi

Jutta.K. said...

Great photo, especially in B/W !
Liebe Grüße und ♥ danke ♥für deine Teilnahme am DigitalArt Dienstag

Pia said...

In SW finde ich das Foto fast noch Kunstvoller. Ich mag SW Bilder sehr gerne.
L G Pia

❈Paula❈ said...

Ich mag beide Bilder. Man könnte meinen, es sind 2 verschiedene Bilder.

Liebe Grüße

Klärchen Marie said...

Das sieht ganz toll aus, eine Superaufnahme im original!
Liebe Grüsse, Klärchen