
from a bygone era

 Hubby is quite happy to stop, back up, or turn around for me to shoot something when we are out riding around; but today was the first time he honestly looked confused when I told I wanted to go back to take photos of old power poles :)

We had passed quite a few of them around the little town of Tahora--minus wires, covered in lichen and moss; so, I decided to get photos, maybe the last ones of them ever.

They were just placed here and there except those along the roadside--not at all, in the straight lines we see today--but I thought they had a lot of personality, each one a little different. Sepia seemed appropriate.

 Join us at My Corner of the World


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I appreciate these more than you know Betty - my father spent his entire life in the power distribution industry and I grew up watching poles such as these (and a great many pylons) being designed and built! YAM xx

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

I love these kind of finds! I like the lichen too. So wonderful of you to capture them. Sepia was a perfect choice.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are so interesting! and the growths on them!!

kiwikid said...

Beautiful photos

Aimz said...

lol you don't see many of them left now, power is underground but I do the same to my other half and he probably looks equally as confused.

Mikael Bergman said...

old things can be very nice to photograph

Rose said...

I so love these! I have never seen any covered with lichen like that.

Angie said...

Betty - you weren't kidding when you wrote that some of them are covered with lichen! Around here, people would have climbed them to take the fixtures from the poles - they are popular in antique stores. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday - lovely to see you back again!

EricaSta said...

Happy MosaicMonday... I love the Sepia Fotos so mich 🤗

riitta k said...

I remember seeing similar poles as a child - a very long time ago :) These are historical!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the lichen and moss are wonderful. At first I thought there were some bird's nest on top! Great photos. Have a happy day and a great new week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing something unusual to photograph too! Nice to take your time and get those pics! Happy MM!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You truly have the eyes of a photographer., I would never have thought of what good subjects these are ...

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I would've had my guy turn around, too, for shots of these poles. They certainly have personalities. Awesome shots!