
Interesting Taranaki

We went for a drive to check out the surf beaches and found these surfers (the little dots). 

I will share more water photos later but now I want to share some interesting things we found...

The bright fence had Mt Taranaki painted on it along with some seagulls and Chad (the British equivalent of Kilroy).

Every summer, when we were out for a ride, we saw signs for 'keys for the pool'. Last weekend, we decided to get the whole story this time.
RDI is the local farm equipment store, pretty much the only business left on Main Street in the little town.

We found the pool and the rules for users. I'm not sure why 'pools' is plural as I only saw one through the fence.

Just down the road was this interesting house with coffee mugs covering the walls.

Even after ten years, I still find the world of NZ fascinating.

Little Things Thursday

Outdoor Wednesday

Saturday Snapshot


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I loved the view of th i'm not friends e sea and that very. Coloured fence.HAPPY NEW YEAR Betty

EricaSta said...

It's fine getting a pool... we have now wintertime. But the next summer comes always. 😉

Linda W. said...

Love that colorful fence! You surely found some unusual sights on your travels.

Taken For Granted said...

You found and photographed some really interesting things on your drive. What fun.

Andrea said...

Yes i will not be tired looking at NZ landscapes and even little things.

Powell River Books said...

Interesting way to share a pool. The coffee mug house reminded me of going to Newfoundland where houses had lines of knitted socks hanging out front, but those were for sale. - Margy

Rhonda Albom said...

This is an interesting slice of NZ life. I like the coloured fence.

westmetromommy said...

What fun pictures! I've always wanted to go to New Zealand!

Tom said...

Betty, after 70 years I find my part of the world fascinating.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

The coffee mug house seems such a friendly place.


Louise said...

Great photos that give an insight into the lives of the locals- the pool run on honour system, the local eccentrics.

Molly said...

Love the rainbow fence


Sue Jackson said...

What unique & interesting places you visited! I loved the photos - all so different than anything here (and the beach scene was lovely).

And you made me laugh - I had no idea that Brits had their own version of Kilroy named Chad! lol


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