
roadside scenery

 I love living in a country where dirt roads are a normal part of the scenery.
This guy got out of the pasture (we assume, since he was laying down with the steers on the
other side of the fence), so Hubby opened the gate and we shooed him back in.
If he didn't belong there, then I guess the farmers will be surprised!

These are some shots out the car window. Taranaki stays green all year, unlike the rest of the country that turns brown in the summer

I posted about Tunnel Beach a while back but didn't tell you anything about it.  The 80-meter (about 260 feet) tunnel was dug to allow stock access to the beach for shipping.
It was hand-dug through sandstone by John Scott, Charles Christofferson and Albert Perrett, working for the Public Works Department, with picks and shovels. It was made big enough for 'the largest horned beast' and tall enough to accommodate a tall horseman. It was finished in 1911.

This is a dug-out passage, part of the road to the Tunnel Beach.


diane b said...

Beautiful snapshots of NZ. Interesting story about the tunnel too.

don said...

A fine series of interesting pictures. Very well done.

Christine said...

Super photos out & about in NZ! Your countryside there is very lush & green!

Bill said...

I really like that second shot--- wonderful grass!

Lisa said...

You truly live in a breathtaking beautiful country! I would love to visit New Zealand but not sure I'd survive the plane flight! :-) The most I know about it is that it's where much of the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed.

Jeanna said...

I love going off the beaten path (as long as the car doesn't break down) and the idea of putting back a steer is pretty funny, especially if that's not where he came from. That tunnel is very cool, probably literally too. There's a tunnel bike path I used to ride on, it was the coolest place to go in the summer.

Bill said...

A very pretty countryside. You don't often see photos like these of the NZ countryside. Thanks for sharing.

Mary K. said...

My favorite color is green so this post was a dream for me. So much beauty in that green with so many different shade. And amazing photography as always.

Rhonda Albom said...

The tunnel is interesting and amazing. Three men dug 80m through rock. It must have taken a while.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wow that is quite an amazing tunnel and you are talented to get such a good picture ... it's very hard to take a picture in caves and tunnels.

I love the dirt roads you have; and the steer is certainly safer inside that fence than out, even if it is the wrong pasture. (I imagine that's where he belonged though.)