
Tunnel Beach

We started out for Three Sisters to see how the earthquake had changed the coastline. Even though we arrived at low tide, the wild wind blew water back up the river bed so hard that access was cut off completely.
While we were driving to Waikawau Beach--aka,Tunnel Beach, as plan B, it was quite bizarre to see sea foam being blown over the road in places you can't even see the ocean from the road! 

As I stood watching the waves, the wind would blow tiny, little
tornadoes in the black sand. They only lasted a second or two but the
dark spot below is one I tried to capture.

It's so amazing to see greenery growing out of the cliff.

This pohutukawa was growing near the entrance/exit to the beach.


Annisa said...

Hello Betty!
Beautiful pictures. I love the sea and I like to see the photos on your blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Many greetings Andrea

Andrea said...

Great, every nook and cranny in NZ is amazing and beautiful! No question, and i long for more.

Rhonda Albom said...

I can see we are not the only ones with wid wind this week.

Amy at love made my home said...

So beautiful, and very windy looking too!

Handmade in Israel said...

Beautiful photos! I particularly love the greenery on the cliffside.

Sue (this n that) said...

Incredible shots Bettyl! I love how you captured that little sand tornado - amazing! Cheers :D)

John said...

Nice shots - weird weather there too

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Beautiful shots....the ocean has so many moods....always awesome!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

What a beautiful day out!! Lovely photos.


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's like a cross between Oregon and Florida -- I would love to experience your beautiful scenery for myself, meanwhile (forever, because I'm sure I'll never make it) thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking shots, Betty! It makes me even more fond of the coast line! Did you eventually reach the Three Sisters? Many thanks for posting all this beauty for ALL SEASONS this week! Have a happy one:)

Jutta.K. said...

hi Betty,
this is a grandios and impressive landscape !
Great shot.

Rambling Woods said...

I can hear the waves in my head.... thank you for linking in... Michelle