
favorite blooms

Many of the seeds that I have planted in the last few months have disappointed me and I have a garden full of markers where they should have bloomed. :( But, I have hopes that they will bloom next year and, until then, I am enjoying the blooms that I have. 

This is a phacelia.

I like the little blue forget-me-not among the gazenias.

I wish these glads would grow facing the same way!

We had cows in the paddocks surrounding the house, too, and they kept a wary eye on me as I took photos of the the flowers and them.


Birgitta said...

Wonderful pictures!

Taken For Granted said...

Love the bright flowers and the questing looks from the cows. Both are lovely.

Heidi R. said...

I admire the gladioli, which are only to bloom with us in August, they are very beautiful to look at! It is always unfortunate when flowers that you have sown do not rise, which is very unfortunate.
LG Heidi

Kallehd said...

Yes, wonderful summer pictures. I also have photos from last summer, because today its very cold outside...greetings kalle

Peabea Scribbles said...

Oh, it is so dreary here in Ohio USA right now so your flower pictures were wonderful to view this morning. They all are so pretty. I'm not much of a green thumb when it comes to flowers...love them, but just don't know that much about the variety and growing them. Yours brought some sunshine for sure...and always love photos of cows. Thank you for sharing. :)

Peabea@Peabea Scribbles

Peabea Scribbles said...

Forgot to add that the last one with the cow and flowers in forefront would make a lovely wall hanging using photo shop to make it look like a painting. Nice... :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this wonderful nature pictures! The blossoms are so beautiful!
Have a nice day


carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous floral macro shot and excellent photos of the cows ~ love them all ~ thanks,

Wishing you a Happy Weekend ahead ~ ^_^

Unknown said...

These photos are beautiful. The flowers show the most brilliant colors. The cows in the field photo would make a great painting.... hmmmm
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Forget-Me-Nots are my favorite too. I'm not sure they will grow here, but I am going to try.

Lisa @ LTTL

Linda said...

Wow! This entire series is a burst of joy and colour! Thank you so much for sharing, and I wish you all the best in 2017 and always. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

Saša S. said...

ooo, thanks for flowers in this cold winter in Europe.

Abby / Linda said...

Love flowers of any kind! thanks for sharing; we have only snow right now.

Amy at love made my home said...

You have some really lovely flowers!

Mademoiselle Mermaid said...

Charming flower picks!!

Sandra Walker said...

Wow!! Gorgeous colours. Love the juxtaposition with the cows.

EricaSta said...

A lovely post with wonderful blooms.

Varis said...

Wonderful pictures!

Liz Needle said...

Beautiful flowers. Phacelia is not one that I know. Interesting looking flower. Must look that one up. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Beautiful flowers! I miss summer!

Sue (this n that) said...

Hello Bettyl, you've the most gorgeous blooms in your garden. I love those sweet little Forget me Nots winding their way through the Gazanias too - so pretty.
I'm glad you included the cows in some pics, that last one especially is lovely and in a beautiful setting.
Cheers now :D)

Wolfgang Nießen said...

Thank you for visiting our blog. Wonderful pictures from your garden. We also have glads in our garden, we like these flowers very much.
I wish you a very good sunday.

Many greetings

John said...

Pretty flowers- especially nice to see for those of us in the frozen north.

Alexa T said...

Such beautiful garden and lovely various blooms! The cows are so cute!! so cute... wonderful scenery, too!
Have a great week ahead!