
random favorites

I'm going through the archives again for some colorful shots.


Melanie said...

I found your blog from Deb's Friday Foto Friends. What awesome photos! I love the white rose and the ocean. Have a blessed weekend.

Linda W. said...

Lovely rose photos!

legato1958 said...

Wow! I love seeing New Zealand through your eyes!
These are beautiful pictures! Wish I could be at the coast to see the beach there!

The Greenockian said...

Beautiful flowers!

Visits With Mary said...

The roses are go pretty, did you grow them? Enjoyed all the pictures today!

Anonymous said...

Kauniita kuvia <3 - Happy Summer :)

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautiful pictures! I'd love to be at the sea side there.

Rhonda Albom said...

Really nice collection. The foam on the water looks very 3D. Love the flowers too. Glad we don't have to pick a favourite from the lot.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Some fine shots there.

Tom said...

I love what I think is the tree fern.

Suzy said...

What a beautiful rose photo! You have a great eye for photography!

Breathing In Grace said...

Oh, mercy, your photos are GORGEOUS!! I'm such an amateur. I started Friday Foto Friends just because I love to take pics...but many of mine are simply from my very cheap phone. Yours are professional! Thanks so much for linking up with me today...you are welcome anytime!

Debbie Rodgers said...

Beautiful shots! It's hard to choose a favourite but I will say I was much taken with the fern.

John said...

very nice-

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for sharing all these lovely flowers with Today's Flowers :) Super photos!

KL said...

What amazing photography!!! OMG...you completely blew me away....I'm literally awe-struck.

Kaja said...

A very lovely collection of shots. I particularly like the ferns though the more landscape-y shots are very evocative.

doodles n daydreams said...

Lovely photo's, I always enjoy your pictures of my lovely country. I see familiar things through a different set of eyes.


Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful country and your photos are really lovely! Thanks so much for linking up on Wandering Camera!


Birgitta said...

Wow! These are wonderful photos!

Aimz said...

very pretty, is the 2nd one carpet roses?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have wonderful archives. I wish mine were half as full of wonderful pictures. Heck, I wish I could find anything in mine (I have to do something about that one of these days).

Arija said...

Nothing like dipping into archives now and again. All summer I've had nothing to post since there just was NOTHING there that was nit shrivelled up. Love your roses.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So Fantastic!!!