

I always find the skies amazing, no matter the weather or season. These are just a few of the photos I have of clouds and wanted to share them with you this week.

So, what do you have to show us this week?

Link up your blog post below and show off your part of the world!


Kay said...

I love to photograph the clouds too.

barbara said...

i have lost hours looking at the sky, trying to find out what a cloud's shape remindes me... it is one of my favorite memories!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely sky shotsand I love the way you have displayed them today

Aimz said...

much the same here, first day of Winter though so it's been very chilly

NatureFootstep said...

love your skies and I give you a sphere reflection :)

Rhonda Albom said...

You have a good eye for interesting skies.

John said...

Nice captures

Sharon Wagner said...

I love watching the heavens as well. Especially at sunset!

Anonymous said...

These skies are a daily show of creation and such beautiful captures, Betty! Have a great rest of the week:)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a pretty way to display your sky shots! I never get tired of looking at our beautiful skies and taking many pictures.

Alexa T said...

Wonderful skies! So, so gorgeous to observe clouds in passing by...
Wonderful! Greetings in June!