
Mt Taranaki, ala Hubby

Hubby took these photos of the mountain over the last couple of days. He has a pretty good eye, I think!


handmade by amalia said...

Definitely a good eye. These are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Tell him she should continue with photography - these views are breathtaking!
I know how that is, my hubby followed a photoclass, and I learned Photoshop from him, now he he seldom takes the camera!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You are rightm he has a good sye for a shot

Unknown said...

Fantastic photos of an amazing landscape.

daisy g said...

I can't even imagine how beautiful it must be in person. Thanks for sharing on this week's Maple Hill Hop! Enjoy the majesty.

Lebensperlenzauber said...

Ich freue mich solch wundervolle Naturfotos zu sehen!!!
Sie sind traumhaft!!!!
Ganz liebe Grüße schicke ich aus Deutschland,
die Monika*

I am glad such to see wonderful natural photos!!!
They are dreamlike!!!!
I completely send best regards from Germany,
the Monika*

Rhonda Albom said...

Agreed, your hubby has a wonderful eye. beautiful shots.

Aimz said...

he did well, very good photos :-)

Unknown said...

Looks like Dad's been having fun :) the white stuff looks pretty, makes me a bit homesick :P. Hugs to you, Fartbag, Stealthpuss, and of course the Minion :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...


Pietro Brosio said...

Magnificent views!

Ida said...

Oh yes he does have a good eye. These are stunning.