
scenes from a fern house

These were taken earlier this year at New Plymouth's Pukekura Park Fern House.

I thought I might get away with not looking up the name of this purple beauty, but I was wrong! It's name is Blue Mist Flower [Bartlettina sordida], I believe.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Betty Thes are ezquisite blooms.

CountryMum said...

Beautiful! The last plant sure does have a very interesting flower. Love its fluffiness.

Andy said...


Jill Harrison said...

beautiful flowers. What is the last one - the woolly purple flower - amazing.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Winter wonders! YAM xx

Michelle B said...

Beautiful flowers! I love the last purple ones, so cute.

John said...

Lots of pretty flowers

Kim Cunningham said...

Love those dangling pink blossoms. How lovely!

Linda W. said...

Beautiful collection of flowers!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful flowers! The third photo is my favourite.
Have a lovely weekend!

Pierced Wonderings said...

Oh wow! Those are incredible flowers! I love them all, but that purple thing is amazing. Great shots!

Thank you for joining us again this week for Photo Friday!

A Colorful World said...

Absolutely lovely!!!

Anonymous said...

Yha, I'im not sure what that last one is either, but it is a super neat flower. Beautiful

Natasha said...

Beautiful photos, these are stunning. - Tasha

Aimz said...

lovely Betty, are those fuschias I see in one of the photos?

Ruth said...

Would like to visit this place. Your pictures are gorgeous!

Inspired By June said...

So pretty! I love going to places where they have an abundance of flowers, and then taking a million pictures and getting lost in their beauty!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those flowers are SO beautiful. Is fern house another name for greenhouse? Or shade house? (Ignorant here, sorry; sometimes I think we speak a different language over here ;>)

betty-NZ said...

@Sallie, yes, they are greenhouses that started with just ferns and the name stuck.

@Amy, yes, they are fuchsias.

Mascha said...

A marvellous collection!
Have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

These arrangements of flowers are so beautiful but also natural - that's the way I like it:) Happy weekend!

orvokki said...

Lovely flowers.
Have a happy weekens.

Buckeroomama said...

What a treat to see all these lovely flowers in your post!

Natasha said...

Thank you for the lovely comments on my latest post! - Tasha

abrianna said...

That blue mist flower is my favorite out of all the shots you took as it is so unusual. The name of the park makes a great tongue twister.

Rhonda Albom said...

All beautiful, but that blue mist flower is nothing like I have seen before. It looks so soft. I also love the fairy flowers towards the top (I know they have a name, but my girls called them that when they were little and it stuck in my mind pushing out the real name).