
surfers' beach

This is Opunake Beach, just one of the surf beaches in Taranaki.


Linda W. said...

Nice wave shot!

Aimz said...

This is what I like about NZ, we have the most amazing beaches! great shot :-)

Unknown said...

a GREAT shot :)

Anonymous said...

What a pretty beach.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome beach shot! What a beauty!

Happy Weekend,
artmusedog and carol

waldlaeufer68 Frank Scholtyssek said...

a so-called "perfect wave" to which every surfer waiting ..;-))
regards Frank

Anonymous said...

That's breath-taking!

Donna said...

What a gorgeous beach!

facile et beau - Gusta said...

Fantastic shot.

Lisa said...

Wow, you captured the movement of the wave fantastically (is that a word?) Love the composition of the shot. Beautiful as well. I think I'll put in on my bucket list!