Hubby finds interesting places and things to see when we go out for day trips or overnights. I really like learning about the history of New Zealand in small doses like this.
tiny library
I had to smile when Hubby pointed out this bench in the Dugald MacKenzie Rose Garden in Palmerston North. With a bit of lunch, one could spend the whole day there!
Elim Church
Just about every little town in New Zealand has or had a pub on the high (main) street. If the town had a crossroads, then it was on the corner and is generally 2 stories high. As we drove through Marton, I was taking a drive-by photo of the dates of this building when Hubby started laughing. He pointed to what was once the pub and said, 'It's been taken over by a church!' I guess any building can be a church meeting place.
Looking back
These birds seemed quite happy at Victoria Esplanade Gardens in Palmerston North. They watched us like we were entertainment.
These two were in the corner enjoying each others' company.
New Zealand grasses
When I first got to New Zealand, I called all the tall, frilly grasses 'pampas grass' since that's all I ever heard them called. Then I learned that the Maori called it 'toetoe' (pronounced toy-toy) and called it that.
Then I wondered if there was a difference and that's when the headaches began.
Of course, there's a difference. According to Trees for Survival,
'Do not confuse Toetoe with the introduced species
of pampas grass, which is a troublesome weed in
many places. Our native toetoe grasses flower in
spring and summer, while the pampas flowers in
the autumn. Pampas also has tightly curled dead
leaves at its base, and the leaves snap readily
when given a sharp tug (toetoe leaves do not). '
I don't notice the season when I'm taking pictures and I don't remember to look at the leaves, much less tug one on to see if it snaps readily. I just like the way they look when I see them on the side of the road.
The shot below was literally taken on the side of the road, far far from any human habitat, that I could see. According to the articles I have read, it must be pampas, but it's anyone's guess how it got there.
The next two pictures were taken at a historical Maori site, Turuturu Mokai, so I do wonder why it would have pampas instead of toetoe. Is it any wonder I'm confused?
WATW and a rose
This is my world this weekend at Dugald Mackenzie Rose Garden in Palmerson North. Show us yours!
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found in the archives
This is just a drive-by shot from a while back that I really like and thought I'd share.
fun extras at the steam fair
Hubby duly noted that Health and Safety would cringe watching this guy cut logs!
This lady sold scones (biscuits) from the left car above.
Sunday Snap (last shot)
Great Manawatu Steam Fair
We went to Feilding over the weekend to see the fair that was all about steam traction engines. I learned a lot about these amazing machines while we were there. You can click here for some history on the machines. The are the link between horse-powered work vehicles and modern-day work vehicles. Here's another link to some facts about them.
First, we were warned:
There were tiny engines that worked:
They had races:
First, we were warned:
There were tiny engines that worked:
Some a little bigger:
And lots of actual sized, some with roller wheels:
They had races:
And sawed huge logs, too:
It's quite amazing that these machines are still looking so good and in such great condition after a hundred years or more.
dahlias in autumn
These flowers that we brought with us from the last house (all but the purple one) are a bit late blooming this year--could be the weather, could be the micro-climate we live in--but they are huge and heavy blossoms. With the other flowers winding down to seed, they are a very colorful surprise.
Other strange things in Taranaki
Last week, I told you about some strange anomalies that I learned about called concretions that we saw on our trip to the Patea River Dam. (Click here for that post.) This post is, to me, a definite head-scratcher, too.
Notice that the green areas in the map below are hills and mountains covered in trees--so much so that you can't actually see the rest of the Patea River flowing to the town of Patea until you click in quite closely.
The drive is dirt road the last 10 or 12 kilometers with some not-too-shabby scenery. Below are wild goats grazing while pukekos play in the water. And this view of the river that I posted earlier.
When you finally arrive at the dam, you find a tranquil, beautiful place where you can launch boats, swim, and picnic. Farther from the water and behind some trees is a place to camp, complete with showers.
While we were there, Hubby found some new friends! I have no idea who the calves and sheep belong to. Many of the places we go have signs posted that we are crossing farmlands, so watch out for live stock. *insert shocked smiley here*
The stranger thing is this: Seashells embedded in the ground all along the riverside at the dam. They are honestly and truly fossilized shells or what I imagine fossils should look like.
According to the map at the top, this place is about 30k--through heavy forest--from the ocean. If there is a rational explanation, I can't find it on the internet. Personally, I think that God has an awesome sense of humor.
Reconnect with Nature (come on over and share your nature shots!)
Nature Notes
Reconnect with Nature (come on over and share your nature shots!)
Nature Notes
WATW and NZ Kereru
It's getting to be autumn in my part of the world, so I am delving into the archives for photos. This is a New Zealand wood pigeon, it's Maori name is kereru. When you hear them fly overhead, they sound like helicopters. Honest.
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