
Great Manawatu Steam Fair

We went to Feilding over the weekend to see the fair that was all about steam traction engines. I learned a lot about these amazing machines while we were there.  You can click here for some history on the machines.  The are the link between horse-powered work vehicles and modern-day work vehicles.  Here's another link to some facts about them.

First, we were warned:

There were tiny engines that worked:

Some a little bigger:

And lots of actual sized, some with roller wheels:

They had races:

And sawed huge logs, too:

It's quite amazing that these machines are still looking so good and in such great condition after a hundred years or more.


Unknown said...

how interesting we had one here in Napier recently :)

Aimz said...

wow that's very cool! think the teens and I would have fun there

weekend et coup de brosse said...

Superbe post !
I love New Zealand! I have yet to visit.
Cath (from France.)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are great images of the steam fair. I love going to these types of day's out as there is always a great atmosphere.

Tom said...

How neat! Every summer we have a "The Pageant of Steam" in this area. I must remember to go this year. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
....oohh yeaaaaahhh... I gotta get me a steam-driven shopping cart!!! YAM xx

NatureFootstep said...

the small ones reminded me of something my brother had when we were kids. This seems to be so much fun. :)

City Coastal Life & Style said...

what fab steam engines, so interesting to see.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Fascinating old engines, and so beautiful!
Great photos!

maryaustria said...

These are really amazing machines! Gorgeous!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I love watching things like this in action!!...:)JP

Unknown said...

Where I grew up, they have "The Great Dorset Steam Fair" every year. Pretty much every steam engine in the country flocks there. It's kinda hard to breathe when they are all working, but fascinating to watch them and see how well preserved they are.