
drive-by churches

These are some churches along the way on our holiday.


Tom said...

What a lovely collection of churches. Tom The Backroads Traveller

doodles n daydreams said...

Lovely little churches.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the blue doored church, the green doored one & finally the last one because of those awesome arched windows. very very cool!! ( :

Bob Bushell said...

Love it, a happy thing to do on your holidays.

A Colorful World said...

They are all wonderful, but I especially adored that blue & white first one!

Aimz said...

I adore checking out old churches. This week on my day off I'm heading out to Matakohe with a friend to search for a historical cemetery.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

These are all so pretty churches. I wonder what they re like inside

susantroccoloauthor.com said...

I am just amazed by ALL the churches you come across in your journeys. It feels like a country filled with community and love of place and love of ones neighbor. They are on a human scale, so different than the massive cathedrals in Europe. While beautiful, they can be daunting, it would love to be a fly on wall listening to a sermon in one of these churches.