

Fascinating and, at the same time, macabre, a photo session at the New Plymouth cemetery yielded an amazing variety of shots.


Kay said...

Don't you just love old tombstones? We are going on vacation in a few weeks to a town that is over 125 years old and they have a very old cemetary. I'll take some photos of it while I'm there.


Baruch said...

The first photograph reminds me of Chris de Burgh's song Lonely Sky : "Lords and ladies lie in stone,
Hand in hand from long ago,
And though their hands are cold they'll love forever ...."

Anonymous said...

I love the art of gravestones, and I've never seen one with the colored in-lay. Is that a NZ thing? It's so awesome.

Maggie May said...

There is often a beauty in cemeteries and you have captured this in the pictures of the tombstones.

Anonymous said...

I love these tombstones - they are so beautiful!

Sharon P Pope said...

Hi Betty! I LOVE old tombstones, and these are beautiful! Thank you for visiting my blog, so that I could find yours. :)

Anonymous said...

love your pictures. amazing tombstones!

Susie said...

Cool shots!

Anonymous said...

What fascinating photographs! I particularly love the black and white one. The sky gives it a haunting quality. (No pun intended!) Great post - loved it!

Miss Footloose said...

What an interesting post! Tombstones -- now that I come to think of it, I took photos in an ancient cemetery in Armenia a couple of years ago. Just for fun I'll send you a couple via your email.

Miss Footloose

Carolyn Ford said...

We rented bicycles one day while visiting the Cotwolds in England. I photographed many tombstones in those very old cemeteries there. Unfortunately, it was before I owned a digital camera so they are in albums from the "Kodak Film" days.
Your shots are great and I agree that the black and white has a haunting affect!