
goose at Naumai Park, Hawera

By the time we got to the parks in Hawera this weekend, there was bread floating everywhere, so the ducks and geese were not very interested in us. [If you feel moved to tell me how bad bread is for birds, please don't.]
Well, except for this one lone goose at the smaller park, Naumai Park. He/she seemed to have a slight neurological problem but was quite happy to have some  human companionship, becoming silent and attentive when we got close, even posing for the camera. Hubby named him Ryan. Ryan (Wasa) Gosling.

I was pleasantly surprised at the reflection in the shot below, as the water was not pretty after lots of rain.


happy frolicking lambs

 Hubby stopped for photos of these very new lambs down the road. As I photographed and then stood watching one lamb with Mom, four more bounded up the little hill and bounced around like little balls. They would stand still for about two seconds, then take off again down the hill and then up again. This is what frolicking looks like!

scenes from a beach

Yesterday was a wonderfully warm almost-spring day and we took a walk at Ngamotu Beach in New Plymouth.




yep, it's that time of year!

There has been much 'Ooo-ing' and 'Awww-ing' in the car lately as we pass the newborns in the pastures along the road. I just can't help myself!

Flowers from Hubby and WATW

Flowers for no particular reason show up with Hubby occasionally. These are some of the latest.

What does your world look like this week?

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Finally, some color

Seeing all the green in my garden is exciting, but it's just so much better when color shows up!!


spring has sprung at hollard gardens

We visit Hollard Gardens often in the spring and summer for a bit of exercise and to see the lovely blooms. If you're ever in Taranaki, be sure to put this Garden on your list of things to do. It's free and gorgeous all year round.




wild birds

The black-backed gulls looked like they were half buried in the sand but were just resting. The terns were quite photogenic. These were taken at Opunake Beach.


These kereru, or wood pigeons, are usually loners, but they are not immune to spring's call.


there's always time

No matter the weather, we usually end up feeding the gulls when we get to the waterfront.


My world is getting warmer but the photo is still from the archives.  Hopefully, I will have some color of my present world to share soon!

Link up below to show us your world--you know you want to! Then you can take a mini-world-tour by visiting other blogs from around the world.


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opunake beach

One of our favorite places for photos and some exercise is at Opunake Beach. These shots were taken from the clifftop walkway where we watched the semicircle of waves break on shore. The bottom shots are the mingling of the river into the ocean causing interesting ripples in the water.



Cute overload

It seems that a good summer last year makes for early arrivals this spring. We drove around over the weekend and  found lots of calves, some were just minutes old!


more birds at the park

At Pukekura Park in New Plymouth, we wandered to the Bowl of Brooklands where they have concerts throughout the year. The Canadian geese got some good seats down front.

This pair of Paradise Ducks were enjoying the sunny day along with the geese.

Hubby was intrigued with the sparrows on the lily pads in the pond by the stage.

Another of Hubby's shots--a preening pukeko.


tuis in the park

This is a tui, a native New Zealand bird, upside down eating nectar from the flowers. Besides their wonderful metallic trademark sound, they make all kinds of other sounds and if you click here you'll find a link to hear them. 

Springtime must be near because they are usually seen one at a time. I think we found a courting couple.

WATW and azaleas

from the archives

My world is cold and damp this week, so I was wandering through the archives and found some summer color to cheer me up.

Show us what your world looks like this week by joining us. Link up your blog photo below.


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sounds of summer past

All summer, my copper sheen tree is abuzz with bees of all kinds. It's a lovely sound I can't wait to hear again.


lupin decorations

From the archives. When it rains here, it's more like drizzle and the drops are quite little. This is a lupin just after a rain.


all saints church, uruti

Simple, rural church in Uruti in Taranaki. The gate is a memorial to those who died in the wars. 


spring is around the corner

I am so glad to see my camellia blooming--a sure sign that spring isn't far off!


it's that time of year

WATW and kite surfers

These guys didn't care if it's still winter, as long as the sun was shining!

Show us your world this week. Even with uncooperative weather, you can still get some great photos, so post some! After you link up, visit other bloggers around the world to see what their world is like.


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rocks and fossils at Waihi Beach in Taranaki

Above are two close-up shots of the top layers in the photo below.

Water has dislodged portions of the hillside and they have fallen down to the coast.


The water has brought with it lovely fossils and interesting rocks.
