
wild turkeys and Wednesday Around the World

These critters were taking their time crossing a backroad we wandered down. You can tell it's not a major road with the warning sign about gas petrol.

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Taken For Granted said...

Turkeys are interesting and tasty birds. Mostly they are clever at avoiding people. Great photo.

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy seeing wildlife scenes like this! We have wild turkey in our area but usually only see them at a distance in a field.


you-wee because said...

Cool picture!!!

I don't think we have wild turkeys here in Germany - but yeserday I met many colleagues from (sorry for the bad joke) Turkey!!! ;-)

Enjoy a great day!


Aimz said...

except you only eat wild turkeys on certain months of the year otherwise they're tough and gristly. we get lots of them up here.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think they weren't very worried about not being able to find petrol/gas! Really neat picture ... I see them in Oregon, but not so many and never in such a tidy line!

marsha said...

great photograph! And people must appreciate that sign if they are new to the area...

carol l mckenna said...

What a great nature shot of the wild turkeys ~ fun ~ thanks, ^_^

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

maryaustria said...

A great shot! My first thought was also that they are certainly not worried about not finding petrol the next 1oo km :)

Neil said...

I hope there was a fuel station before you get to that sigh.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done! At least warned about the gas availability.

TexWisGirl said...

such a cute crossing!

Carole M. said...

enjoyed the wild turkeys Betty; nice to see 'country' happening...

Judi Gray said...

what a fabulous photo! I took one similar once of kangaroos crossing the road near our patch. Great image.

eileeninmd said...

Neat sighting of the wild turkeys! Enjoy your week ahead!

Anonymous said...

I wondered if the turkeys ran out of fuel and had to walk. ;) Cute shot of them crossing the road.

Ida said...

Fun spotting of the Turkeys crossing the road.