
My Corner of the World

South Island beauty, Karitane

 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
a week to give you time to link up and visit other blogs.

Click the blue 'add link' button below to share your blog post with
family-friendly photos.

Please add a link-back somewhere on your blog or your 
post may be deleted.
You can use the badge below.
If you have trouble linking up, email me and I will link for you.

Find more photos on my FB page,  New Zealand from my Point of View.


Tom said...

...a beauty indeed!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I love the perspective and expanse of this beautiful landscape.

Taken For Granted said...

Wonderful aerial photo of this shoreline. Are you flying drones these days?

Violetta said...

Looks great, seems to be a fine beach for swimming.
Have a good time

Joanne said...

Such a beautiful landscape!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Wow. That is stunning!

dee Nambiar said...

That's a beautiful picture.
The two beautiful half-moon bays remind me of a place called Om Beach in Southern India. :)

Thank you for hosting MCoW, Betty. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Sucha beautiful view!

Jill Harrison said...

I always enjoy seeing images of your beautiful country. Enjoy your summer. Take care, have a great week, and thankyou again for the linkup.

roentare said...

A beautiful bay!

Veronica Lee said...

I can almost feel the crisp sea breeze and hear the soothing sound of the waves.

Happy Wednesday, Betty!

Lea said...


Amy Johnson said...

Such a beautiful place! Thanks for the party!

csuhpat1 said...

Such a beautiful place. A lovely view.

Rostrose said...

Looks like a beautiful place, dear Betty!
I now say goodbye for a while and start my recently announced blog break 😘 - with one more “last posting before” and warm greetings 🙋
All the best, Traude

rupam sarma said...

Amazing view, superb click :)

Thanks a lot for hosting :)

Slabs said...

This is an absolutely stunning shot and view. Love the natural beauty.
My links: 34. I hope you will join us weekly also at Wed-Sat at #WordlessWednesday (words welcome) https:// esmesalon . com / tag

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Such an awesome view!! Many thanks for hosting, Betty!