
more Long Beach, NZ

These are  more of Hubby's images from Long Beach. We both love finding fossils.

 The blue clay below is called papa.


Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Wow! So fascinating. Thanks for sharing the photos.


diane b said...

Beautiful photos of such interesting rocks and formations.

Aimz said...

It's so very cool how NZ is rich in fossils, I find the volcanic rocks and stones interesting myself.

Birgitta said...

Very, very intetersting photos! Thanks for sharing!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos and fascinating landscape.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Great photos! Fossils make my imagination spin.

junieper2 said...

Hi Betty, I thought I left you a comment for all Seasons, but don't see it here - to be sure - love fossils - just the idea that they represent something that was alive a long time ago!
About your comment (Locks only keep honest people out_ - how true! Similar to that rules are for the ones who will not keep them! Like the neighbor lady showed, the fence the other neighbor put up didn't mean anything to her! Have a great week, Betty!

Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...

Awesome captures.