
so many questions

We find all kinds of interesting things along the roadside. Many of them make
me wonder about them.
This is definitely one.

                                               Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


a bit of randomness

wild goats and cockatoo

                                      Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


My Corner of the World

Taken in 2008, we found red kelp/seaweed on the sand at Waverley Beach. Never saw it again.



 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
a week to give you time to link up and visit other blogs.

Click the blue 'add link' button below to share your blog post with
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                                                  Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


garden color

                                      Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


My Corner of the World

Spent clematis
Even after the blooms are gone, there is beauty to be found.


This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from
around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
a week to give you time to link up and visit other blogs.

Click the blue 'add link' button below to share your blog post with
family-friendly photo/s.

Please add a link-back to this post so others can find it and join in.
You can use the badge below by copying the code in the box and
inserting it as HTML. It's easier than it sounds!


spider web


                                                 Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!

driving around in Taranaki

Even though our travels are not restricted, we still find 
interesting things in our local area of Taranaki. 

        St Paul's Church, Okato

One of many school gates that remain.

Love these clouds.

The following two were taken a few week apart at a site where the house was removed.
They made us go, "Hmmmm...."


garden flowers


japanese anemone







                                    Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!