
My Corner of the World

Spent clematis
Even after the blooms are gone, there is beauty to be found.


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Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

You have a good eye to capture the beauty of the spiral pattern in the spent blossoms!

Michele Morin said...

Yes, they ARE still lovely! That's the secret to enjoying late autumn in my world!

Sharon Wagner said...

So true. Pretty, ike pasta bundles.

Tom said...

...and it still looks beautiful.

Meditations in Motion said...

I always thought it would be fun to make something with spent clematis blooms. Maybe a wreath? They are so beautiful!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Always beauty my friend...always!...:)jp

Duwan @MakeLikeAnApeman said...

Love the picture. I love a bloom that goes out with style.

Natalie said...

Thanks, Betty, for hosting and sharing your very nice photo. #MCoW

Jill Foley said...

I love this stage of clematis - it reminds me of Dr. Seuss's drawings

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So true that clematis looks pretty even when the flowers fade. Thye are lovely vines

Amy said...

I've only ever seen them flowering never like this.

rupam sarma said...


Lydia C. Lee said...

I like the words on this one....good reminder!

kiwikid said...

Great photo.

Rhodesia said...

That clematis looks like gold rings, beautiful. Thanks for hosting, Diane

Jill Harrison said...

gorgeous. Your clematis is different to ours. Is it white to start with? Stay safe and enjoy your week.

csuhpat1 said...

Such a simple yet beautiful pic. Very lovely. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Veronica Lee said...

I've never seen these before! How extraordinary!

Happy Wednesday, Betty!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful spent clementis. Great shot. Have a wonderful day.

Natasha said...

Dear Betty,
So pretty these. :)

Stay well, stay safe. Love and hugs. <3

Zinaida Strinu said...

Wow! You'd say two ladies lost their wigs in the foliage! ☺
Very interesting flower, I have never seen it.

Have a fine day and stay safe, dear Betty!

NatureFootstep said...

I love all stages of Clematis. They are beautiful whenever you photograph them :)

Suzana said...

Always! Lovely image! I'll read more about this plant.
It looks amazing!
Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

You can see why one of its common names is: "Old man's beard"! :-)

Lea said...

I have a double white Clematis that looks just like that when the blooms are gone
Have a blessed day!

Amy Johnson said...

That is so true about the clematis, and many other flowers. Thanks for the party.

Schwabenfrau said...

Many flowers only develop their true beauty after they have faded.
Greetings Eva

Diana said...

The wonders of nature! I imagine that are two globes for the Christmas tree. 😊
All the best! ❤️

Pauline said...

Lovely! When you look for the beauty it is always there, isn't it?

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photo! My computer isn't allowing me to post a link to 'My Corner of the World' these days....

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

I love the Clematis after the blooms. It is just another one of those beautiful things about autumn!

Susie of Arabia said...

My sister-in-law has several beautiful clematis plants - I love them!

Traveler In Me said...

I so agree ..... they still look beautiful and unique!