
My Corner of the World

A little bit of sunshine from my archives on my wintry day


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EricaSta said...

Sunflower are always welcome... what an amazing capture. You have winter? We get summer. It's different.

Stay healthy and well. Thank you for hosting.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Love those sunflowers!

csuhpat1 said...

Very beautiful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. Stay safe.

Peabea Scribbles said...

Had no clue sunflowers in Winter...but then your climate is probably nicer than ours. Beautiful flowers.

Handmade in Israel said...

Oh, these sunflowers made me smile! I have just finished a commission with sunflowers all over it. Just lovely!

Gardenrelish said...

Beautiful photo, I love sunflowers. I'm waiting for mine to bloom here. Have a great day!

Tom said...

...a winter day sure looks nice in your corner of the world.

Michele Morin said...

So good for my brain to be reminded that winter is coming on in your world.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

My what a happy picture, Berry.
There's something about yellow and especially sunflowers...
so uplifting!

Suzana said...

Lovely flowers. I love them. Suns on earth!
Happy WW and all the best!
Thank you for linking.

Mikael Bergman said...

It looks very beautiful

Schwabenfrau said...

Yes, you have winter now and you are happy about these sunflowers.
Sooo nice.
Greetings Eva

Taken For Granted said...

Grace, always love seeing sunflowers. They grow fields of them just north of here.

Amy said...

Sunflowers are so pretty, they remind me of Summer.

Sharon Wagner said...

Golden photo! Yellow wow!

Lydia C. Lee said...

I'm going to plant some sun flowers (to attract bees). Unfortunately not as many as that...

NatureFootstep said...

lovely sunflowers in your shot. It is soon time for them to be flowering up here in Sweden :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Sunflowers are so cheery!

kiwikid said...

What a wonderful yellow garden.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Such a cheerful picture!

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful sunflowers.

handmade by amalia said...

Sunflowers always seem to me to be the happiest of flowers.

Veronica Lee said...

I love sunflowers! They scream SUMMER!

Happy Wednesday, Betty!

Nancy Chan said...

Bright and beautiful sunflowers. Have a wonderful day.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I love sunflowers - they brighten up the day with their cheerfulness :)

Lea said...


My Desktop Daily said...

It's cold, wet and the wind is howling outside, Betty. I needed that shot of sunshine in the arm!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thanks for hosting, Betty!

Heidi R. said...

The beautiful, big sunflowers are not blooming here yet, you can count on them from September. You have selected a great archive picture for us, thank you!

Traveler In Me said...

Sunflowers ...... pretty and cheerful. Your post reminds me of the sunflower fields I had crossed and I just could not get over their beauty.

Priya said...

Loved the sunshiny picture, Betty!
Flowers are always uplifting, yellow ones especially so :)

Angie said...

Betty - so bright and cheerful!

Linda said...

Nice! Sunflowers are so good about posing against a blue sky!

Bill said...

Very pretty, nice to see the sunflowers.
Have a lovely day!

Powell River Books said...

I love sunflowers. When I was young my grandparents lived in Central California. The hill down from their place was always lined with wild sunflowers every summer. - Margy

Zinaida Strinu said...

Yellow flowers, my favorites. When you put yellow flowers inside, you feel like you've brought the sun into the house. ☺

Have a beautiful day, dear Betty!

nic said...

Dear Betty,
New Zealand did exceptionally well during the Pandemic, while England did exceptionally bad. Luckily for us Scotland has another woman in charge who values life over profit and kept us as safe as she can without being independent from England's bad decisions.

Have a nice week. ♥nic

Elkes Lebensglück said...

It's the beginning of summer for me and these beautiful sunflowers and other yellow flowers put me in a good mood
Stay healthy and well. Thank you for hosting.
Greetings Elke