
My Corner of the World

Stormy waters at Patea


Thank you all for your wonderful contributions last week!

This weekly link up is for photos you want to share!

It opens on Wednesday at 12AM, NZ time and stays open
for a week, so you can link up and comment on other posts any time.

Just click the blue 'add link' button below to add your family-friendly photo(s).

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Nanchi said...

Thank you for hosting! :)

Peabea Scribbles said...

Water and waves are so interesting to watch and sometimes soothing. These look a bit angry though.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Thought that was the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland for a moment.

Gardenrelish said...

Thank you for hosting "My Corner of the World". I always enjoy seeing the various photos and blog posts. I hope you are having a nice week. Thank you!

Tom said...

...what a wow moment!

Sharon Wagner said...


nic said...

I can feel that spray on my face and smell the ocean. ♥nic

Michele Morin said...

Powerful image!

NatureFootstep said...

Wild waters. Love it!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

They are very powerful waves crashing against the rocks!

italiafinlandia said...

Ohhh! That foam is surprising!...

Suzana said...

Impressive image. Each time I was to the seaside in winter, I had not seen any storm! :)
Only at TV or on-line! :)
Thank you for the linking!
Happy WW!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Amazing how you have captured the power of the waves crashing on the rocks. I love Big Seas - from a safe distance :)

EricaSta said...

Wow... what a great scene.
Thank you for sharing.

Stay healthy and well.

Schwabenfrau said...

A great photo and I like the song
Stormy Weather a.
Greetings Eva


Taken For Granted said...

Betty, wonderful, dramatic wave crashing photo. What force.

kiwikid said...

That sure is stormy!!

Jill Harrison said...

wow - love that dramatic rugged coastline scene. I can smell the sea spray and feel the wind from here. Stay safe, and have a good week and thank you again for the link up.

rupam sarma said...

Fantastic shot. Thanks for hosting.

Nancy Chan said...

I can imagine the sound of the stormy water crashing against the rocks.

Kirsi schreibt said...

Wonderful stormy shot. Greetings from a rainy Germany and thanks for hosting,

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Amazing shot, Betty! Greetings from lockeddown Melbourne!

My Desktop Daily said...

PS: Thanks for hosting, Betty!

Kayni said...

I could almost hear the waves crashing on the rocks.

Priya said...

Lovely shot, Betty!
Water is so inviting and soothing mostly but its power is quite scary as well! Isnt it?

- Priya (https://softypinkngloriousred.wordpress.com)

Heidi R. said...

Wow, there's a lot of power behind it!

csuhpat1 said...

Such a beautiful pic. Lovely.

dee Nambiar said...

Your picture makes me yearn for a trip to the coast. :)

I hope you are doing well. Life is back to normal in NZ, isn't it? Stay safe.!

Bill said...

Wow! An amazing and powerful image. Absolutely beautiful!

Zinaida Strinu said...

Wow! What a magnificent show! An amazing shot, dear Betty!

Thanks for hosting!
Have a great day!

Veronica Lee said...

Fantastic capture, Betty!

Have a great weekend!