
roadside stuff

'Looking for something that will last.' I will never understand 'art.'

Hey guys, really sorry...for the unplanned traffic holdup the other nite


My Corner of the World

You may have to verify your entry, but that will only happen once.

Linking to: My Sunday Snapshot
               Our World Tuesday



There is a pair of plovers that, I assume, nest in the dairy paddocks
around our house. They are distinct in the noise they make.

This one might be disapproving of my invasion of their privacy!


My Corner of the World


If you can't link up, email me [at tenfootheart (at) gmail. (dot) com] the blog post link
and photo you want and I will put it in for you.

Linking to: Nature Notes


this and that

Bloom where you're planted!

Please check out my Wednesday link up 'My Corner of the World.'


bees and butterflies in the garden

I have a copper sheen tree in the back garden next to a purple butterfly plant. 
Between the two, there are hundreds of bees that swarm them on any given summer day. 
It's a wonderful sound.

I don't see many butterflies, mostly a single monarch here and there during the summer, but for the first time in three years, I actually had two different butterflies on the butterfly plant!
A red admiral and

a yellow admiral!

Please check out my Wednesday link up 'My Corner of the World.'


random images

the road ahead

this was painted on a wall in Eltham for the movie 'Predicament' and is still there.

Wordless Wednesday - Curious as a Cathy

Please check out my Wednesday link up 'My Corner of the World.'