
My Corner of the World

Welcome to the first link up of My Corner of the World!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you take a moment to link up with us.

Feel free to share any post you'd like.

It doesn't have to be a new post, just a post on your blog that you find interesting.

Visit the other blogs when you get a chance to see what other corners
of the world are being shared!

The link will be open each week from
midnight on Wednesday morning NZ time and will remain open for a week.

It seems that there is some problem with the link up and I'm quite
unhappy about it but will keep on trying to fix it.


Karl said...

Happy New Year 2019, Betty !

Heidi R. said...

Let us go with fresh mute
into the new year!
Old shall our love and faithfulness,
new is our hope.

(Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallerselben, 1798-1874, German poet)

Happy New Year!
LG Heidi

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann, I join you... and wish you a happy and peaceful new year! May your wishes come through ;:OD) Thanks a lot, Betty, for visiting my blog...

Out on the prairie said...

wish I was here

Jeanna said...

Hap, Hap, Happy New Year. You make me want to add a postscript to my post to show you what it looks like here right now. Snow, finally, the first legitimate snow of the winter here, which is unusual because it's so late. I'm not sure what it's doing in Kansas but I imagine you have a white Christmas there. I must say I'd rather be in your lovely photo. Gonna add a quick pick of the scene here today right now.
Happy New Year to you!

Sharon Wagner said...

Happy New Year!

Sara Chapman said...

Sorry, cannot seem to post my New Year link. I don't ever log in with facebook to protect my contacts and privacy. What to do? Have participated many times before this with no special login needed.

My link:


my usual email sara@lovethatimage.com

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy New Year Betty. We are away from home and I’m working on my iPad....I wanted to link, but can’t figure out how...and also Obviously need to change the words in the post to your new kinky title. I will try again tomorrow evening when we get home. Just wanted you to know and say thanks for doing this.

Taken For Granted said...

Here is wishing you a terrific 2019, Betty. Thank you for hosting this site.

Rose said...

A peaceful feeling photo!

Happy New Year!

Handmade in Israel said...

Happy New Year! Thank you for hosting. I also don't love logging in with Facebook but will figure out a better way to join in the fun!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely image Betty

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful pic .
Happy New Year 2019.

EricaSta said...

Betty, wish you health and good luck for the New Year!
Interesting capture.

Nancy Chan said...

Happy New Year to you and yours! I am in!

Saša S. said...

A very very happy 2019 to you, Betty.
Thank very much for deciding that we can share our bit of the world with others. This is a really great gift for 2019.

Lea said...

I can see already that this is going to be a wonderful Linky party!
Best Wishes in the New Year!

Raquel Jimenez Artesania said...

Un lugar paradisiaco. Feliz Año.