
Opunake garden walk

It had been a while since we visited the garden walk in Opunake and they have made
some interesting additions.   I blogged about it here when we discovered it.

There is now a small library that invites you to take a book or leave a book or just peruse a
magazine while you sit on one of the new benches and enjoy the garden.

There was still some color to be seen even though we are well into autumn.

They gussied up the water fountain for people and pets.

To get water for your pet, you life the wooden dog's hind leg!

Even the spent flowers retained a bit of beauty.

Someone left this 'bump in the night' rock on a fencepost.

This lovely garden is tended by volunteers and has some wonderful colors during the year. I will be sure to visit next summer and share the colors of the place. I plan to donate some bulbs and seeds before then.


Tom said...

...what a fun garden!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a smashing little garden! Those volunteers must be a hard-working and imaginative lot.

Annie said...

What a great garden. I love the fountain for the pets,made me giggle.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the bump in the night very clever. And I'm a big fan of little libraries . And the flowers are spectacular. Wonderful place; it's fun when they make changes so that when you visit you find new things as well as the old that you love.

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful garden.

Nancy Chan said...

I enjoy taking a tour around this fun garden! Lift up the dog's hind leg for water is really cute!

Aimz said...

It looks like they've planted some pretty tough hardy plants that will grow within any conditions.

diane b said...

What a lovely idea. The garden is looking beautiful.

Mascha said...

Hehehe, this wooden dog :)
Lovely library...