


Tom said...

...another great trip around your neck of the woods.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I like your random! YAM xx

Angie said...

Betty - I need to do something like this post - I always end up with shots I don't use or don't seem to fit - RANDOM! Is that a stranded jelly fish on the beach? I am not sure I have ever seen a blue jelly fish ... lovely and yet sad.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Betty - I noticed your link up:) and your nice comment!This is a beautiful post! Am always interested in what the ebb leaves behind on the beach:)I don't mind jelly fish (when I'm not in the water, lol).
Now you live in New Zealand, do you still hold to the American thanksgiving, or have you adopted the New Zealand way?

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Random but consistently interesting. Some impressive rockforms in the first photo. And I love the SLOW DOWN photo - the slanting horizon makes it look as though someone has suddenly applied the brakes!

Sue Jackson said...

All of your photos are creative & gorgeous (you're a talented photographer!), but I especially like the ones of the sun's rays coming through the clouds. I try to always remember to look up and love to take photos of the clouds :)

Thanks for sharing - wish I could visit NZ!


Book By Book

annie said...

I like the handprints and the little jellyfish!
Those rocks are very interesting too.

diane b said...

A cute idea of the handprints.

Rhonda Albom said...

A good collection of randomness. I love the handprints.

Rose said...

Great randomness! I love that clock tower.

Bill said...

A wonderful random selection of photos. I love that slow down sign, nice and colourful. Thank you for the tour around your area, I enjoyed it.

Prunella Pepperpot said...

Brilliant images! The hand prints are such a great idea!!
Have a fantastic end to your week :)

Jibberjabberuk said...

I love the rocky cliffs. It looks like a face on the left-hand side but I'm always seeing faces in cliffs and trees!

Klara S said...

NZ is such an interesting country. And your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.