
former Waikawa St Mary's

I ran across this cute little church on one of our trips
and had to stop for a photo.


Tom said...

...Betty, this is such a sweet little church. I'd love to see the inside. Thanks for sharing.

Rose said...

It is just about the most perfect little church I have seen...that fence and flowers are such a lovely touch.

Linda said...

Oh, it really is cute!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Great little church. I love the red roof

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Cute is the right word for the church!

orvokki said...

What a beautiful and cute church.

Aimz said...

Nice ! gotta love old country churches

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A shame that it's "former", but I suppose it's too small for modern requirements.

Rhonda Albom said...

I agree. That is a very cute church.

don said...

A cute church that was a very good "find." An excellent shot.

Linda W. said...

Too adorable!

Anonymous said...

Darling little church! Hope the actual church where they meet is thriving! Thank you much for stopping to share this with All Seasons - hope you had a great Sunday and enjoy your week!

likeschocolate said...

I agree the church is totally cute! I can imagine the meetings that have taken place there and the small community of people who go their each week.