
beach scenes

Again, from the archives, I'm sharing some seaside scenes.

Concretions amaze me!

This is actually from beside a river a good walk from the ocean.

We usually see green algae in places like this, but this day we found white algae.

Good Random Fun (take your pick!)

Nature Notes


Klara S said...

Wonderful collection of pictures. I love silhouettes in the photo#5. It's​ perfect pic. Thank you for sharing.

Aimz said...

Gotta say I like the patterns in the sand that the waves and current makes.

Jeanne said...

Love the riders on the beach

Christine said...

Super seaside photos! Love the horses on the beach!

Taken For Granted said...

Great beach photography. I especially like your second shot. It is just stunning. You should print this one large and hand it on the wall.

Jeanna said...

Were you ever lucky to get the horseback riders and in silhouettes no less. Fantastic wide shot of the beach with that insanely cool texture/

Rhonda Albom said...

I really like your first photo with the seaweed and sand.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully captured! If I would live at the beach, I never would get anything done! It's so addicting:)

Rose said...

I love that third shot down!

Jill Harrison said...

I enjoy making little discoveries when I stroll along the beach with my camera. Always something to photograph.

Rambling Woods said...

Lovely lovely beach scenes and so relaxing too and I needed that today.. Thank you Betty...Michelle

Unknown said...

What gorgeous adventure!!