
determined colors

My camellia has one brave bloom at the end of autumn, 5 month before it should be 
blooming for the Fringe Festival.*shakes my head*

These other garden beauties are still showing their colors even
though the last few nights have been more than a little nippy.

The angel-wing begonias on the porch haven't stopped blooming 
since I got them a few months ago.


Aimz said...

Well it's definitely been a warm Autumn.

Tom said...

...fabulous floral delights!

Gayle said...

A beautiful array of blooms and colors.

Snap said...

I'll take your autumn and give you my summer! Lovely blooms! Happy Friday.

CountryMum said...

Beautiful blooms for Autumn!

Sue (this n that) said...

I love seeing all your flowers,that's such a beautiful photo of your one camellia bloom... hopefully by now there's more :D)
Cheers and all good wishes :D)

Ida said...

Such a lovely array of blooms. - We are having a wet, rainy spring here (although we did have 1 day of 90 degree weather this week).
Your Camellia is so pretty. It seems "confused" about when to bloom. I've got an Azalea that has bloomed at the wrong time of the year for the past 2 years but this year it's actually blooming in spring instead of the fall.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful colours and flowers. Begonias are one of my favourite flowers. Silly camellia :)


doodles n daydreams said...

Lovely flowers, so nice to see them all.


Rose said...

Wow, you sure have some beautiful flowers...saw so many that I love.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The year after we bought our home in Oregon (the former life one) a warm late winter and then an unexpected late hard freeze killed our two camellia plants -- I swear they were part of the reason we bought the house ;>).....but we kept it for 25 more years anyway. (The house, not the camellias, they never recovered)..... I hope yours don't suffer the same fate.

All your flowers are just beautiful.

orvokki said...

Lovely flowers. We have also these in the countryside and fields.
The photos are lovely.

Rambling Woods said...

What wonderful flowers for your fall Betty...Michelle