
foamy seas

We've had some rough weather the last week or so in Taranaki. It seems that winter has arrived! After a few days inside, we went for a drive and were rewarded with some amazing waves and a few brave birds.


naki said...

Love the seagulls in the foam. That lens is amazing!

Linda W. said...

Nice wave captures!

Aimz said...

yes much the same here in BOP, we were out today in Maketu, such stormy scenery.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great photos of some wonderful coastline and its feathered inhabitants.

Ela said...

Hi Betty !! Always nice to visit your blog !! I love your photos !!!
Happy weekend !

Mary K. said...

I too love staring at the waves when they are coming in. Great photos Betty !

Debbie Rodgers said...

The water is so blue even though it's rough! Here (North Atlantic) it's grey or muddy brown when it's churning up that much. Great photos.

Manja A. said...

Sehr schöne Foto's, liebe Betty.
Liebe Grüße, Manja

Anonymous said...

Foamy water is so refreshing to me! Beautiful! The lone ranger in the second capture made me smile! The next to last has beautiful design, Betty. Many thanks for SEASONS here! Have a great week and see you soon!

abrianna said...

My favorite shot is the last one. You do have some choppy waves.

Anita said...

Powerful waves, but oh, so beautiful... and the birds, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful waves, birds, and photos!

Jeanna said...

Gorgeous crests! My mother was wondering why we have so many gulls around since we're thousands of mile from the ocean. I told her they'd become like pigeons since people started eating more fast food. Your birds look more as nature intended than the sky rats around here.

Ohmydearests said...

Beautiful birds!

Sue Jackson said...

Gorgeous pics! Those waves look so powerful - beautiful but dangerous! And I love the photos of the seagulls where you can their reflections on the beach.


2016 Big Book Summer Challenge

Rhonda Albom said...

Fabulous photos. I love the big wave shot the best.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

There are so many moods of the Ocean ... it is great that you are close enough to capture so many of them ... and so beautifully. Thanks for sharing.