
another rainbow

I know I post a lot of rainbows but I just HAVE to go out and try to capture the whole thing when I see them because they are just so pretty! Most of the rainbow photos are two or three photos stitched together with Autostitch.


DeniseinVA said...

That is a fantastic photo. I don't think I have ever captured the whole arc of a rainbow before. I am back from my blogging break and have enjoyed visiting. Today's Flowers will be resuming next week.

Dorothee said...

yey for rainbows! there was a 180° bow last month here, too. so amazing. have a lovely sky week~

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I have a similar feeling when I see them - though rarely do we get whole bows in Scotland... so my challenge is just to get the max colour formation! This is a FABulous frame - and deserves to be framed! YAM xx

Taken For Granted said...

Beautiful rainbow photo. Looks like you could walk over the end a find a pot of gold. That is a very dramatic sky.

Annisa said...

Hello Betty!
The rainbow is so beautiful! Fantastic that the rainbow can be seen all over. What a lovely place.
Thank you for your nice comment. I was so happy about your visit.
Nice that you like my underwater photos.
Wish you a nice evening!
Greetings Andrea

Manja A. said...

Wow! ♡
Liebe Grüße, Manja

genie said...

This rainbow is sososo beautiful. I seldom see them here where we live in VA so set excited every time someone like you posts one.I think you need to put a framed copy of it on your wall. Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind words Have a lovely week. genie from VA

Thomas Lee said...

Wow! What a great capture

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It would have been almost criminal NOT to post this beautiful complete rainbow! A wonderful catch and a great photo.

Toni said...

Wonderful rainbow photo. I don't get to see many here but when I do I photograph them too. Thank you for the visit to my blog. I have bookmarked yours and will be back to visit again. :) Have a lovely week ahead.

Mitzi said...

WOW! That is an incredible rainbow shot!

KL said...

That is such a beautiful picture. Did you run around and sing in that green valley? Uh..I would love to do that. Or just tumble down

Anonymous said...

Never too many captures of rainbows for me, since we have s few here in California! Just beautiful - and did you use a panoramic lens? Many thanks for your lovely capture for SEASONS, Betty! Wishing you a beautiful week!