
azalea macro

This is from the archives as it is presently cold outside!

Macro Monday            Macro Monday Mixer


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful Betty! I assume this is from last spring? The color is wonderful.

Mari said...

Thimk they're so pretty. I especially love the color.

Aimz said...

Gorgeous flowers Betty :-)

Hansedeern said...

Beautiful Shot's Betty! I like the colors too!
Have a lucky week!
xxx Britta

Unknown said...

Lovely photo. I pinned it to the MMM Pinterest board. Thanks for linking up to the Macro Monday Mixer. Hope to see you next week :)

Rajesh said...

Very pretty flowers.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well those pretty pink flowers will brighten up any day.

doodles n daydreams said...

A beautiful shot.
It's cold down my way as well, we're only venturing out if we have to.


Anonymous said...

A gorgeous shot.

John said...

Lovely colors

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shot!

Unknown said...

A lovely flower with a beautiful colour, I like the little points inside.
Have a nice and warm day.

Anonymous said...

Very nice capture. Sending wishes for warmth!

Donna said...

What a cheerful pink

facile et beau - Gusta said...

very beautiful