
My Corner of the World

Awakino Library and War Memorial 
Awakino was once a river port but now has a permanent population of less than 10.

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Heidi R. said...

As I can see, the two world wars went very far!

Michele Morin said...

Already been out to the garden this morning to pick the first greens of the season!

Nanchi said...

What a pretty place!

Taken For Granted said...

Libraries are always good. This one looks substantial, if small. How does a library run with only ten people in town?

Tom said...

...wow, a population of 10 and a library! Thanks Betty for hosting.

Birgitta said...

Interesting building!

csuhpat1 said...

Wow, what a powerful and beautiful place. I would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon Wagner said...

That could be one house!

Suzana said...

The history must not be forgotten. It is very important to be a place
in which we can at least read about it, when we want.
All the best and Happy WW!

Schwabenfrau said...

I didn’t know Awakino and checked it out.
A great picture.
Greetings Eva

Peabea Scribbles said...

Thanks for hosting. Would be nice if we never had war memorials at all, but alas that is the world.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Less than 10? We need more explaination!! But glad they still have a library!

kiwikid said...

Wonderful monument to the men and women who went off to war, and that might have been all the make population of Awakino.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How nice the library was maintained even though so few people now live in this town.

rupam sarma said...

Great pic

Zinaida Strinu said...

It is important to always remember the great and difficult moments in the history of the country and the world.

Have a wonderful day, Betty!

Nancy Chan said...

Amazing place with a population of only 10 people! May be a nice place for a quiet retreat from the busyness of city life. And in 1900s a man was hanged on the jetty for stealing a bottle of whisky from the hotel! It must have been a very safe place to stay at that time. Thank you for hosting and have a beautiful day. Take care and stay safe.

Anne Seltmann said...

Hallo Betty!

Thank you for the invitation, which I gladly accepted!

Greetings from Northern-Germany


Lea said...

Very interesting!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh that brings back memories of fishing trips and holidays! A wonderful photo thanks Betty
Stay safe

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Less than 10!! Wow!

Jeanna said...

It looks in pretty good shape for its age. And no broken windows or graffiti. I'm watching morning TV looking at the mindless destruction caused here last night. Have you ever been inside?

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful old building, Betty. It looks well cared for, even if the town has been reduced to a hamlet of 10 inhabitants!

My Desktop Daily said...

PS: Thanks for hosting, Betty.

Veronica Lee said...

Fewer than 10!! How interesting!

Happy Weds, Betty!

Sandee said...

Beautiful place that should be honored always. They are desecrating them here in the U.S. It's so sad to watch.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Less than 10! A mightily shrunken town.

Linda said...

Nice photo! That's even smaller than the towns they used to salute on "Hee Haw."

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

War memorial and a library is a wonderful way to honour. Thanks so much for hosting!


Stef Rof said...

At our house you always feel at home. Happy Day. !!!

Jill Harrison said...

wow - only 10 residents! amazing. I like the way they have made the war memorial as the gate to the library. Have a good week, stay safe, and thanks again for the link up.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

beautiful photo!!!Thanks for hosting!

Traveler In Me said...

Wow! less than 10 people...... coming from such a populated city and country I cannot even relate to it!

Rhodesia said...

Lovely photo. Every town in France has a war memorial and every year we go to the Memorial day for the end of WWII 8 May, and again 11 November for Armistice Day. Every name on the Memorial is read out.
Thanks for hosting. Diane

Rose said...

I love that entrance.

Linda said...

Lovely place to visit and remember. So many great links to check out today. Thanks for hosting.

Hien said...

Oh gosh, I just realized I’d added a post without the main stars —the Photos (what was wrong with my clicking fingers last week!) Sorry folks it was not intentional.

Well have a great start of the week!! —Hien