
My Corner of the World

Church at Ongarue

Linking to: Bell Towers (first Tuesday)

Thank you all for your wonderful contributions last week!

This weekly link up is for photos you want to share!

It opens on Wednesday at 12AM, NZ time and stays open
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Michele Morin said...

My corner of the world has irises, lupine, and peonies all vying for my attention as they change each day!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

This is a beautifully composed image of the church and its surroundings. It reminds me of one of the churches and graveyards I visited while researching my ancestors in Newfoundland.

handmade by amalia said...

You've captured the calm beauty of the church, a great photo.

Jeanna said...

That's so pretty and peaceful. I love the larger monuments in the graveyard as well, this kind of bucolic scene is a rare sight.

Handmade in Israel said...

What a sweet little church!

Karl said...

Lovely little church and nice setting.

Kayni said...

Beautiful view out there.

EricaSta said...

A lovely little church. Thank you for hosting.

Stay healthy and well, dear Blogfriend.

Tom said...

...wow, the kind of church that I'm always looking for. Thanks Betty for hosting.

Natalie said...

Nice photo that looks like a postcard. Thanks, Betty, for hosting and sharing your photo. #MCoW

Suzana said...

What a calm and beautiful place!
The image is like a painting!

Happy WW and a fine week!
Thank you for the linking!

dee Nambiar said...

That is a beautiful postcard. :)

Amy said...

Our country has tons of old churches, sometimes I check if they are unlocked and take photos of the inside.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful nature :)
Take care.

kiwikid said...

Love these old churches.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sweet little chapel ... that’s how, in my old-fashioned mind, all churches should look. Thank you for hosting...,

csuhpat1 said...

So very beautiful. Thanks for sharing this such peaceful setting.

Jill Harrison said...

I love these little old country churches

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a sweet little church. I see many like that here in rural areas.

Nanchi said...

What a serene shot! So calm.


rupam sarma said...

Amazing pic.
Thanks for hosting.

kwarkito said...

What a quiet and lovely place

Nova said...

Thanks for inviting.

Love churches and if you wanna look on my blog: every first tuesday in month I have a "glockenturm" project. I love churches.

Greetings from Tenerife


Veronica Lee said...

A sweet little church with a scenic backdrop!

Awesome capture, Betty!

italiafinlandia said...

The image of tranquillity! :)

Lea said...

A pretty scene!
Hope you are having a good week!

Nancy Chan said...

Its a sweet little church. Have a great day.

My Desktop Daily said...

That looks very European, Betty. Lovely shot!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thanks for hosting, Betty.

Kirsi schreibt said...

Countryliving and feeling with youre shot from this chapell ... I like this so much, greetings from Germany

Sandee said...

What a beautiful little church.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Sharon Wagner said...

I love to see old country churches when I'm out and about. Tranquil.

Birgitta said...

Sweet little church! Beautiful photo!

Schwabenfrau said...

This little church is beautiful.
I can also see a little from the cemetery.
Greetings Eva

Raquel Jimenez Artesania said...

Un pequeña iglesia encantadora.
Saludos .

Priya said...

Lovely picure of the church and its beautiful surroundings. It so makes me want to be there!
Have a great day :)


Powell River Books said...

Reminds me of driving through Nova Scotia and seeing churches pop up on the green horizon. - Margy

Heidi R. said...

As if from another time, this little church with its adjoining cemetery appears to me, but is that for sure?

Mikael Bergman said...

Beautiful to see
A nice church in the countryside

Traveler In Me said...

Such a picturesque location for this quaint church. The countryside landscapes are so pretty.

Babsy said...

Such a peaceful place!
Greetings Babsy

Rose said...

This church is a beauty, and the setting is wonderful.

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a lovely church!

Keith's Ramblings said...

What a lovely setting for that simple little church.