
My Corner of the World

Owharoa Falls

 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
a week to give you time to link up and visit other blogs.

Click the blue 'add link' button below to share your blog post with
family-friendly photos.

Please add a link-back somewhere on your blog or your 
post may be deleted.
You can use the badge below.
If you have trouble linking up, email me and I will link for you.

Find more photos on my FB page,  New Zealand from my Point of View.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such a beautiful waterfall! Thank you for hosting this Linky every week.

Taken For Granted said...

That is a great looking waterfall well photographed.

roentare said...

That is a gorgeous waterfall

Violetta said...

Wow a great picture of an stunning water-fall.
Have a good time and all the best

Lydia C. Lee said...


Jill Harrison said...

gorgeous waterfall. I imagine you have many in NZ. I really need to practise my waterfall photography, but unfortunately none around where I live, without driving a few hours. Enjoy your week and thankyou again for the linkup.

Veronica Lee said...

That waterfall is absolutely beautiful, Betty!

Happy Wednesday!

Amy said...

Yes! That's one place I've been, it's a really nice spot.

Suzana said...

Savage and beautiful waterfall!
An excelent image, indeed!
Happy WW and a fine week!❤️

dee Nambiar said...

Lovely waterfall and lovely vegetation.
That's a beautiful photograph!

Thank you for hosting. :)

rupam sarma said...

Amazing waterfalls , Loved the click

Rostrose said...

This is a very beautiful waterfall, dear Betty. We visited a few waterfalls in NZ, unfortunately this one wasn't one of them...
All the best, Traude

Lea said...

Very pretty!

csuhpat1 said...

Wow, so very beautiful and amazing. Looks super peaceful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Kirsi schreibt said...

Wonderful waterfall view,

Debra | Gma'sPhoto said...

Lovely waterfall. Thank you for hosting this welcoming party. I have linked up with #44.
Take care and best wishes.

Natasha said...

Thanks for hosting. Lovely pictures.