
My Corner of the World

 Some adventurous folks


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Michele Morin said...

What a joyful picture!

Tom said...

...neat, but something that I would never do.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I would do this but my husband would not!

Karin M. said...

Ein solches Abenteuer habe ich noch nicht mitgemacht.
Das wäre eine neue Erfahrung.
LG. Karin M.

Taken For Granted said...

I once watched paraglider taking off high in the Rocky Mountains. Their flight instructor was there with a broken arm. That did not instill me with confidence about the safety of this enterprise. Jumping off a high cliff with a parasail is a leap of faith.

Rostrose said...

Like two eyes in the sky!
Great shot!
Best wishes and a good start into September,

Rhodesia said...

Not sure that I would be that adventurous !!! Keep safe, Diane

Cloudia said...

Thank you!

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

Would enjoy experiencing the freedom and lightness of parasailing but feel sure it would be a little scary, too. Great capture.

Sharon Wagner said...

Cool ride!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I see the same here sometimes and I always marvel at their bravery to do that!

Aimz said...

They would get a great view of the scenery from up there, it's not my thing as I'm scared of heights.

suituapui said...

Beautiful. I'm sure that is so much fun, paragliding but no, I'm not so adventurous...unfortunately.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Not for me but I do think they're mesmerizing to watch - the freedom....

rupam sarma said...

Amazing , great captured.

Veronica Lee said...

I would do this if I were younger. Cool shot, Betty!

Kirsi schreibt said...

What a wonderful photo from the sky and the paragliders,

Nancy Chan said...

These are very brave and adventurous people. I am not that adventurous so I will miss all the excitement.

NatureFootstep said...

This is something I really would love to try. But only with an experienced person bringing me along. :)

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Those motorized parachutes can be a pain. They fly over the preserves and chase away the birds and deer.

Lea said...


My Desktop Daily said...

Hmmm, I can think of better adventures on terra firma! ;-)

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thank you for hosting, Betty!

Amy Johnson said...

That looks fun yet scary at the same time. Thanks for the party.

Suzana said...

Fine sport! I've always liked these kind of people who dare to do this!
Happy WW and a fine week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think they are beautiful and are one of the few adventure sports that makes me wish I were young enough to try it! (But must admit I never thought about what Ken says in his comment above. That's too bad.)

Joanne said...

What a fun photo!

Heidi R. said...

Have a look, the great sky photo also shows a face and the parachutes form the eyebrows? Wouldn't the photo fit perfectly in the 'Galeria Himmelblick'?

Schwabenfrau said...

A very nice photo. I would also like to go paragliding. We saw many on the Alb when they jumped, but not yet in the air.
Got it fine.

csuhpat1 said...

Such a cool and lovely photo.