
My Corner of the World

future fern


Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 

My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, and stays open for a week.

Click the blue 'add link' button below.

Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 

Any family-friendly blog photo will do. 

A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button for your post or page here.

Photographing New Zealand

Don't forget to visit other blogs and return the visits of other bloggers!


Susan Mann said...

Aww that is lovely. What a cute little caterpillar/snail x

Veronica Lee said...

Love your fern capture. Awesome photography as always.

Happy Tuesday, Betty.

riitta k said...

Your fern is like a piece of juwelry - fascinating!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Looks a bit like what they call a Resurrection Fern in Florida ... it curls up in the dry season and unfurls and comes back to life when it rains. Thank you for hosting; this is such a great sharing opportunity.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A fine close-up. I'm always fascinated to see these "fiddleheads".

Heidi R. said...

The rolled-up fern is like a work of art!

Jeanna said...

Oh my gosh, what is going on there. Great macro shot, at first I thought it was a groovy snail.

Cath said...

That is the most gorgeous photo of a fern frond!

csuhpat1 said...

Such a beautiful pic. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

EricaSta said...

Wow, what a part of fascinating Nature... a wonderful capture.

Have a good week.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Amazing find! Beautifully captured!

Angie said...

Betty - love this picture. I am sure you are excited to welcome Spring!

rupam sarma said...

wow amazing. Beautiful click.
Thanks for hosting.

Birgitta said...

Wow! Great closeup!

Mary K. said...

For a moment there I thought those were snails out of their shells. Or even pretty worms. Great photo.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful future fern. This is the best part of the edible fern.

italiafinlandia said...

In my own corner of the world, ferns are getting brown just now...
Have a lovely September, Betty!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love your delicate fern photo!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful close up photo!


Powell River Books said...

We have lots of ferns where we live on Powell Lake here in BC. This week I've shared another forest plant, Indian Pipe. - Margy

Anonymous said...

We are surrounded by ferns. Attending a Fern Identification walk taught me so much about them!....:)jp

Klara S said...

Just beautiful!
Thank you for hosting.