
My Corner of the World

I believe this is a juvenile white backed gull.

Linking to: Nature Notes

                   and Our World Tuesday


R's Rue said...


csuhpat1 said...

Very beautiful photo. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Out on the prairie said...

Gulls take 3 years to mature so sometimes are hard to figure similar species

EricaSta said...

The gull seems to ask: who are you? A nice capture.
Thank you for hosting. Wish you a good week.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Beautiful portrait!


Mikael Bergman said...

Really nice shot

Pudding et Biscotte said...

What an incredible close-up shot! It's such a rare picture, congratulations Betty!

kiwikid said...

Wow that is an amazing photo.

Heidi R. said...

Oh how great, I have not looked so close to any gull in the face!

Rose said...

What a capture!

Amy said...

someone was checking you out by the looks of it.

rupam sarma said...

Lovely pic

handmade by amalia said...

What an amazing photo of the gull. You can tell he is a deep thinker.

Nancy Chan said...

Great close up shot of the gull. Thank you for hosting.

italiafinlandia said...

Quite an expression!...Great capture!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Great close-up!

Birgitta said...

What a great closeup!

Rambling Woods said...

What an expression.... Made me smile...Michelle

Sharon Wagner said...

Hilarious bird photo! What a great close up.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Now that's a great close up!

Jeanna said...

Someone is ready for his closeup. You got some great detail and a pretty amusing look from this bird.

Natalie said...

Thank you, Betty, for hosting. Have a beautiful week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Cute! He sure did want his picture taken! Thanks for hosting.