
Old St. Peter's Church

In the Founder's Park in Nelson  is Old St. Peter's Church.

St Peter’s-by-the-Strand, served the Anglicans of the Atawhai area of Nelson from 1874-1983, when it was moved to Founders Park, Nelson.
When the church was built it was described as ‘quite an ornament for the passing traveller to behold with its belfry and three gilded crosses’.
The original belfry was demolished after being deemed unsafe in 1941, but is now rebuilt. The belfry also holds the clock that used to tick off the hours at Nelson College - until the 1929 Murchison Earthquake tumbled the clock tower.
The church also now has a nun's stall that came from the Nelson Convent, new stained glass windows and other artifacts from old Nelson churches.
It is available for hire as a wedding venue.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/philbraithwaitenz/42992990401


My Corner of the World

I believe this is a juvenile white backed gull.

Linking to: Nature Notes

                   and Our World Tuesday


Marlborough Sounds from the air

I'm so happy to share my vacation holiday photos with you, but, of course, deciding where
to start is the hardest part!

So, I'm starting with a tour of the Marlborough Sounds, in the South Island, that I took
with my MIL in a small plane from Pelorus Air. Here's a link to their website
if you are ever down that way! I had a great time!

Here's a map of the Sounds for reference.

These are the first photos of quite a few that I will be posting.


I'm back!!

Here are two views of Mt Taranaki from the air as we took off at the
New Plymouth airport. 

More photos to come!!
I will be returning your comments as I get time, but I will get there!!

The top of the mountain looks quite small in all the clouds,
so I am joining Nick over at
My Sunday Best

Skywatch Friday


My Corner of the World

You may have to 'verify' your email, but that will only happen once.
If you have trouble linking up, you can email me at 
tenfootheart (@) gmail.com I will link for you.


Going, going, almost gone!

I'm off for an unplugged adventure this weekend and will be gone for a week.
I can't wait to see what kind of lovelies I find to share!

If I haven't visited your My Corner of the World link, I will catch up when I get back.

Next week's link up is scheduled, so be sure to come back to link up! 

a few ocean shots

Please check out my Wednesday link up 'My Corner of the World.'


My Corner of the World-

You may have to 'verify' your email, but that will only happen once.
If you have trouble linking up, you can email me at 
tenfootheart (@) gmail.com I will link for you.


between here and Whanganui

Out for a ride one Saturday, we saw a train come alongside the road. So....

we raced drove ahead to get a photo as it crossed the bridge.

Hubby finds the best little churches for me to shoot. This one is 
Te Mangungu Church Anglican 
on Turakina Beach Road.

A local rose grower, Matthews Roses, has planted a rose garden with picnic areas
along the roadside just south of Whanganui, cut into a corn field.

Pink bales support breast cancer, blue are for prostate cancer, purple support Starship
Children's Hospital and yellow are for children's cancer. Green are the usual color.