
Fletcher Bay

We had perfect weather to drive to Fletcher Bay.  The roads were covered by pohutukawa trees and I could only imagine them in full bloom.

A good portion of the road was dirt and one lane. As we got higher, I
had to definitely not look down!



Since Fletcher Bay is one of the most extreme northern points of the country, 
we found this bunker. 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
oooohhhh... the yacht on the glimmer had me lingering! YAM xx

naki said...

'Die phantasie wird siegen'translates as
'the imagination will win.'

Tom said...

...could be parts of Maui.

Christine said...

So much to enjoy in your photos - I can only imagine how wonderful to drive that route to admire the sea views! The colour of the water is amazing!

Angie said...

Omigosh! Love these pictures. First, the boat with the sun glinting off the water ... just speaks of summer days to come (for Northern Hemisphere folks!)

And then the shot with the road curving up the hill - so nicely composed.

And then the view of the sea grass with the promontory in the distance ...

OK - I liked them all!

Michelle said...

These views are just phenomenal to me and I love the leafy trees. The bright sunshine looks so inviting. Cold here, but I am enjoying your photos. Thank you for linking up today!

Lea said...

Very interesting trees, and beautiful views of the Bay!

riitta k said...

Gorgeous views - I can feel the smell of summer in the breeze :)

Aimz said...

We have the most amazing scenery here in NZ.

annie said...

Just so beautiful. I wish I could see it in person.
Lovely places.

Anne said...

Wow, your photos are stunning, the views are amazing and I love those trees. I love the spreading kind of way they grow. And what an interesting find the bunker makes. #sundaysnap

NatureFootstep said...

Ocean and beaches are always pleasing. But those trees, even better. Love them!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Looking down on that kind of road would have definitely caused problems for me too, but the journey was definitely worth it. Stunning place and the trees are so beautiful.


Klara S said...

Beautiful skies, beautiful green.

Jibberjabberuk said...

I love how the trees have been twisted and bent over. The sea winds must get really strong.