

I know I've posted this before, but I was looking through my archives and
found this shot. After some lunch and feeding the gulls, I was trying to take a shot out the car 
window when this seagull on the hood bonnet leaned over and photobombed me It made me smile
again so I thought I'd share it again.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Bwwwahahaha... oh that's a keeper!!! YAM xx

Miuh said...

Ha ha, I love it!! This face and expression :-)
Photobombs of animals are always great...
All the best, Miuh

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...


Rhonda Albom said...

Great capture. Gotta watch for those cheeky gulls.

Sharon Wagner said...

Ha! I love it. Good one.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Makes me smile too! I had something similar happen once with a jay, but we were eating an in-car lunch at a roadside stop ...no camera in hand. That quizzical expression was the same!

Aimz said...

LOL that is so funny! one in a million shot

Linda W. said...

Ha! Funny shot!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That's a good one. He wants to be a star!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh that is the greatest photograph, so cute!!! Thanks for sharing again Betty, loved it!

waldlaeufer68 Frank Scholtyssek said...

Very nice photos, great hit super smile ;-))
Greetings frank

The Greenockian said...

Love it!

Tom said...

...giving you the eye!

Nancy Chan said...

Ha ha! The sea gull is so cute! Its a rare happening!

Klara S said...

:-):-):-) What a cool shot!!! Thank you for sharing.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

That is fantastic :)


magiceye said...

An amazing capture!!

handmade by amalia said...

He looks so surprised to see you there. A great shot.

Traudi Gartendrossel said...

Fantastic photo and I smile ;-)))
Happy Easter

Rose said...

this makes me smile, too...I have a couple that make me laugh every time I see them...one is this one. I promise you it was not photoshopped. The other one I have posted but I don't know where. In it a starling is looking back up to the bird above it and its head looks almost like it is on backwards or something. LOL