
backroad scenes

I thought I'd show you a few last bits of scenery from our trip on the backroads.  

There are pine trees everywhere. The Department of Conservation grows them commercially as well as private farmers because they grow super fast here.

I always look for wild goats for some reason.

Mt Taranaki looked a bit spooky as it was shrouded in clouds as the sun went down.

As we made our way back home, the changes of the clouds were interesting.


Linda said...

New Zealand is very beautiful!!! You are so lucky to get to live there, smiles. Have a beautiful (is it Monday there?) Sunday(?).

Alexa T said...

So beautiful again! Lovely road, gorgeous trees and scenic views! A happy and good week!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
An outstanding selection! Love that twisted tree and there is just something so poignant about lone fireplaces standing when all else is gone... YAM xx

Debbie Rodgers said...

Following your blog is going to be the next best thing to visitng New Zealand (which is somethiing my husband and I have always wanted to do). Thanks for the photo journey!

Mary K. said...

Betty these are such gorgeous shots. You know I always think of the Lord of the Rings anytime I look at your photos. I looked at the tall trees and thought of poor Frodo hiding from the Ringwraiths. Of course, New Zealand is so much more than that and your photos show it. I am hosting a new link party that is for all types of posts including photography. I would love to have you join us. It is called Sweet Inspiration and runs Friday until Tuesday.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Once again beautiful scenery. That twisted tree in the fourth shots is interesting and I love the straigh tall tree as well Betty.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Thanks for sharing this....interesting skies....lovely shots!

Villrose said...

Nice scenery and photos! Not least of the "spooky" mountain.

Linda W. said...

Nice countryside! I especially like the pine tree lined road.

Anonymous said...

I love trees - they are so majestic when they're really tall! The scenes are just gorgeous here, Betty! Also love the skyscapes with the light making the background mountains almost look transparent! A fest for the eyes. Many thanks for sharing these with SEASONS! Looking forward what you'll post next week in you neck of the woods:) Haae a great week!

Handmade in Israel said...

Arrived here from Seasons. What beautiful scenery. What wonderful photographs! Looks like it was a good trip.

Aimz said...

I bet it's starting to get cold there for you now, we're noticing chilly mornings right now here in Tauranga...

Ohmydearests said...

gorgeous landscapes! it is so lush! have a lovely day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, gorgeous views of your countryside. I love the goats. Lovely landscapes!
Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It's interesting to know that pines grow fast there! I love that one twisty tree; I always like those... they seem to work hard to survive, twisting with the winds.

Mias Mix said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! Nice pictures! I was in New Zeeland 1993 and I hope I will go back another time :)

CountryMouse said...

That looks like it was a lovely drive. I like exploring backroads too. What an amazing landscape. I love the old chimney from a long gone house sitting their, randomly. It reminds me of a sight we used to ee every time we headed south to visit our Grandparents as kids.

Ida said...

You live in an awesome part of the world, What great scenery. I loved each one but I think my favorite was the one with the unusual looking tree.

Rhonda Albom said...

We sure do live in paradise. Love them all. The third one, the tree lined road, is my favourite today.