

paradise shelducks in Picton

reindeer farm

sailing lessons, picton harbor


Anonymous said...

great! P.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures of NZ's nature. The greatest wish of my son is to visit New Zealand once in his life.

Aimz said...

Picton's one of my favourite places - nice photos :-)

CountryMum said...

Such wonderful photos!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
FABulous!!! YAM xx

Andy said...

Wonderful, wonderful photos. Keep them coming.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Beautiful shots....love the misty mountains!

Anonymous said...


Taken For Granted said...

Lovely photos, especially the raging river and misty mountain. I love that kids are out learning to sail. That is a life skill that everyone should have.

Sharon Wagner said...

That's quite a herd. Of deer? Finally, we're able to be outdoors in Minnesota.

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful shots!

Kathy Walker said...

What beautiful photos! I have never been to New Zealand....I am thinking it needs to go on the list!

Alexa T said...

Fantastic shots! I love those critters, from seagulls, ducks to deers... lots of wonders in nature!! Best regards in this new week of April!

John said...

Very nice series