
animals along the way

After we saw the Moeraki Boulders, we headed south. Since we wanted to see the countryside while we were there, Hubby turned down 'Coast Road' to see what there was to see. We saw a sign that said 'Shag Point', looked at each other, and then turned down the road. I had visions of lots of photos of shags on the rocks along the ocean. The bad news is that there were no shags. The good news is that there was a seal colony!

We saw quite a few deer farms in the South Island.

Wild keas seemed quite friendly in a parking lot--as long as they didn't think you were something to eat. They beg for food and, of course, feeding them is discouraged, but sometimes, you just can't help yourself :) and they follow you to your car.

As we waited to enter the Homer Tunnel (pictures to come) we saw one cheeky fella hopping from car to car--on the driver's side, of course--looking for food. Unfortunately, my camera batteries were flat.

As we waited by the water for our train, a male paradise duck took a drink of rainwater left in a hole.

This horse looked so happy from the train from Picton to Christchurch.

And, there were always sheep watching your every move!

Moeraki Boulders

After Hubby's find of the Koutu Boulders in the north island, I was interested to see the Moeraki Boulders in the south island. Once again, it was proven that Hubby's finds are the best! 
They don't tell you that the boulders in the brochures are ALL there are!

The beach is  wonderfully pristine and stretches along from a little hamlet of a town.

Sunday Snap


churches along the way

These are a few of the churches that Hubby and I saw on our holidays as we traveled along. I can't tell you where any of them are located.

Pancake Rocks

Along the West Coast Road in the South Island is this fabulous formation of limestone rocks called Pancake Rocks. I won't show you all the photos we took, but I do hope these are enough to entice you to visit, should you be in the area.


and now to the south

The weather was fantastic on our SILDI (screw it, let's do it!) trip to the South Island except for the two days that we took cruises at Doubtful Sound and Milford Sound and then traveled up the West Coast. The rain was a double-edged sword as, with it, the photos aren't very good and without it, the falls wouldn't have been so full.

The follow shots are some that Hubby took while we were out on the Sounds. 

These shots are part of the scenery as we traveled up the coast.

In the top left shot below you can see some equipment above the bushes. Those are with the official people watching the water for danger of mud slides or washing away the road at that particular area.



It rained as we drove along the west coast of the South Island but there was still beauty to be found.

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kawakawa art on high street and Clapham's clocks


No trip to Kawakawa would be complete without a visit to the famous Hundertwasser public toilets

It's a small place but I like to visit the Clapham's Clock Museum when we are in Whangarei.

This polyphon still plays the disks beautifully. The drawer below is filled with over 70 disks. It has an interesting history. Click here for more information on it.

Photo Friday

Fun Friday Favorites

northland creatures

I was surprised that we didn't see more critters when we were up north, but I guess we just didn't go where they were. Here are the ones that I got to capture.

female quail with hiding baby

male quail

white breasted shag/cormorant 

pied oystercatcher



Big things and other stuff

I don't want you to get over-excited with these first photos, so try to show some restraint. These are part of the biggest accordion collection in the southern hemisphere! They are in a museum in Dargaville along with some interesting antiques and historical items.

This is a photo of the largest kauri tree in the world. Its Maori name is Tane Mahuta ('Lord of the Forest'). It takes 23 people to make a ring completely around it. Kauri takes so long to grow that it is illegal to cut any trees.

I don't know what these flowers are but, These are called ginger lily--thanks Yamini! they were in full bloom in the northern heat.

This is all that is left of the bank after a fire in the historic town of Kohukohu. They decided to leave the vault where it stood.