
Oh, you lovely watermelon!

When we cut this watermelon open the other day, I thought the pattern inside was pretty awesome.


Naperville Now said...

hearts, by golly! reminds me of a cake plate that we have with heart swirls.

Esther Joy said...

I agree with the comment above - It does look like a hearts pattern!

Judie said...

Let it dry out for a few more hours, then sponge on a light coating of acrylic paint and make a stamping of it! Now that would be great fun!!! Voila! Instant art!!!

Belle said...

It looks like a happy place for seeds to live.

Ingrid said...

I wished I could eat it from the screen !

mail4rosey said...

Look at that! Neat. :)

debra @ homespun said...

Pretty pattern hope it tasted good too! : )

Jim said...

The pattern is pretty but the fruit probably doesn't taste nearly as good as a plain one. Ours didn't.

I came because of your title for Mr. Linky. On January 14 we returned from a New Zealand and Australia cruise. On my "O" post today, at the bottom, I have a link to my blog posts describing and showing our visit.
New Zealand is beautiful.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

O! It is awesome!

Nina said...

That's a really special pattern ~ a natural piece of art!

Shey said...

Hmm, looks delicious. Can't wait for summer to come and eat this. Today, it's too cold here. So I'm sticking to coffee for now. :)

Unknown said...

Can I trade that with my cookies? I just want to grab and eat them! lol The pattern is oooh so lovely :)
