
magnolia macro


Donna Heber said...

Hi Betty,

Wow! I love the way you have captured this flower. A wonderful picture for Macro Monday. Have a great week.

Wayne said...

It looks like a pink octopus!

One Mother Hen said...

gorgeous. Such a bright and great shade of pink!

Stephanie said...

Awesome macro shot! The pink color is so vibrant!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wow! Beautiful beautiful -- perfect subject for a macro; a gorgeous color.

UTs Hobby Time said...

Nice macro shot.
Stopping by from Favorite Monday.
Check out mine here

Zena said...


Ken said...

I love the super close-up. The flower is pretty and I also love the color.

Unknown said...

Lovely pink!

Kristi Maloney said...

Beautiful flower, love the color. It's so unique! Thanks for stopping by to link up. See you next Wed!

momto8 said...

wow..just wow!!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, this is a gorgeous macro, such a fantastic color.